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"You you look... wow" I noticed his cheeks getting pink, and it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I was feeling my own cheeks burning. Was he checking me out? His eyes kept traveling through my body, he was changing his mind, I was sure, and he wanted to have sex with me. I knew it, he wasn't a good man, and everything that he said was bullshit. Just like every single men in this planet, he was an asshole.

"I knew it, you just want me for my body, and I almost believed you. Great act by the way, you got me" A single tear fell from my eyes and I started walking away. I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I was sick of trusting people. I didn't even trust myself on the first place.

"Love, you're getting me all wrong, don't leave please. I was going to say that you look beautiful, um sorry, I mean different."

"Don't you fucking dare to call me love again, I know your intentions. First you're going to act very sweet and then you will want me to have sex with you for free, so fuck you" I screamed at him, I couldn't hold the sob and I started crying. I have never cried this hard on my whole life, it was too much. I was holding too much in and this was the breakdown. I fell to the floor and cover my face with my hands. Why was I crying in front of a stranger? I was so weak and useless. I heard Harry's footsteps approaching me and kneeling on the floor next to me. Who would've known, we are kneeling in front of each other and it wasn't a sexual scene, this was a first for me.

"Look lov.. Samantha, I'm not here for that. Like I already told you I want to help you, I know you are a beautiful, strong girl and I don't know your past, but that guy that hurt you this much was a total ass. Not because he is like that, every men in the world will follow his steps. I'm not claiming to be a good person, but I will never touch you or hurt you. Never." At this point my crying stopped and I was looking at him. He sounded so sincere, and his voice calmed me down enormously. He wiped a tear with his finger and smiled at me. I know it was for pity but I didn't give a fuck.

"Sorry Harry, I must be a mess" I felt my cheeks turning red and stared at the floor. He put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up until I was staring at his face.

"It's okay, come on, you must be hungry" He got up and offered me a hand, I grabbed it and we walked to the couch sitting down next to each other. I was such a bipolar bitch, and indeed I was literally starving, I couldn't eat anything today because I didn't have any cash, I spent it on drugs. I know that is fucked up but whatever, my life is fucked up as well.

"I am" I told him looking everywhere but him.

"What do you want?" I felt his eyes on my face.

"Do you have like hamburgers in here?" I haven't had one of those in years, and I missed them so much. He let out a chuckle.

"Indeed, we do. Do you want one?" I said yes a lot of times with my head and I heard his laugh, it was music to my ears. He called room service and ordered two hamburgers.

There was a really awkward silence after that. What I liked about Harry was that he didn't rush anything, any other person would've interrogated me after the show I did, but he was different. I know he was a good person, but I didn't trust anyone, I mean I met him like 3 days ago and now he is offering me all this, there has to be a reason. After 10 minutes of watching the game with awkwardness, the food finally arrived. As soon as the man crossed the door, the smell invaded my nostrils, oh my God. This has to be my second favorite smell, the first one being Harry's.

Harry got up and gave the man a really generous tip. He grabbed the two plates and brought them to the table in front of the couch. I was so hungry I thought I heard the hamburger talking to me saying "eat me eat me." I'm definitely crazy. Harry grabbed his hamburger and took a bite, I was still staring at mine.

"Come on Sam, eat" He said with his mouth full of food, it was adorable and kind of disgusting at the same time. I grabbed my hamburger and took a bite. My eyes flew to the top of my head. THIS WAS MOUTH-WATHERING DELICIOUS. Best thing I have ever eaten. I moaned and Harry laughed, the dimples and crinkles in his eyes appeared. It was such a beautiful sight.

"Tell me something about you, something that no one knows" He said after he finished eating. "I'm addicted to cocaine" I almost said, but I didn't want him to know that,of course, so I told him the second thing that came into my mind.

"My mom was a latina, so I know Spanish" I didn't like to talk about my mom, but this was the only thing she taught me, and the only thing that I'm good at.

"Really? Wow" he said surprised.

"Yeap, now you tell me something about yourself that no one knows." I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, but are you ready for this?" he was with an expressionless face, I nodded. Surprise me bitch.

"I'm gay" He said suddenly. I spat the coke that I was drinking all over his face and said the first thing that came into my mind.

"Que putas?"


HII LOVES! I hope you liked it and pls pls pls pls pls pls vote and comment, I would really want to know if you've liked it so far! Btw "que putas?" Means "what the fuck".  Bye nooow- not H xx

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