Chapter 1

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Kalani's POV:
" so Kalani now that I have you alone and Riley isint here, what exactly do you feel for Lucas" Maya said looking straight into me.
Her question came unexpected.
" I don't feel nothing for him, at all" I said.
She kept glaring at me.
" I don't, okay stop asking me this" I said standing up.
I saw Lucas talking Farkle across the hall besides me locker.
" great" I whispered to my self.
" hey Kalani" Farkle said to me.
Lucas faced his head towards me and smiled.
" hey" I said.
" Hey Kalani have you seen Riley?" Lucas asked me.
" no" I said turning back around.
" Kalani why do you seem so sad about something today, your always happy like Riley, your like the second Riley" Lucas said looking concerned.
I smiled knowing he was concerned.
I really don't know how I feel about Lucas Frier.
He just brings me so much joy and happiness but sadness at the same time knowing that he might like Riley instead.
" I woke up on the wrong side of the bed that's all" I said making a slight small smile.
That's when I see Riley with her uncle Josh.
He's 16.
Both him and Lucas are taller than me.
It hurts to be short.
But it's also fun, I can fit into small spaces and well let's just say I get picked up allot.
I'm 5'2 and Lucas is like a 5'9 and well Josh I'm not very sure.
But me and Josh are like good friends.
He sees me sad he tries to cheer me up in all ways he can.
" Hey Kalani" I heard Josh say behind me.
" Hey " I said looking down and looking away.
" what happened you seem down?" He asked.
" oh nothing".
" Kal I know something is wrong" he said.
" I don't know I woke up down and gloomy today".
" well why? We need to hang out together then to make you feel better, after I get out of my school" he kept saying.
I nodded. " that would be great".
Josh's POV:
Once I walked inside Riley's school and we just kept talking about some random things that came to our mind. Well Riley kept talking to me and giving me hints about Maya liking me. I know she does but I'm way too old for her and well I don't like her.
The girl I'm interested in is well, Kalani.
I don't think she feels the same.
I think she likes Lucas which makes me feel bad for Riley who likes Lucas.
I know I say I'm way much older than Maya and I can't date her because of that, but there's something about Kalani that makes my head go crazy for her.
I know she's younger and the same age as Maya and Riley but damn Kalani is cute.
" Josh can we bring my friends?" She asked me.
" yeah sure " I said.
Eh what ever we still get to hang out with each other.
I fixed my black beanie and looked down at Kalani.
She was looking around the school.
" well I'll pick you up after school" I said waving to her.
She waved back smiling and watched me leave.
Kalani's POV:
I watched Josh leave and I turned back around. I like that Josh cares for me. He's like a big brother.
I smiled and well skipped to my class with Mr. Matthews.
" hello Kalani good morning".
" good morning Mr. Matthews".
I saw besides my island seat next to Lucas and in the back of Riley.
Once the bell rang and everybody was seated we all stared at the board.
Mr. Matthews was about to talk when this kid walks through the door.
" hey everybody I'm the new student " he said.
" that's nice what's your name?" Cory asked.
Yeah he lets me call him that because I'm one of his daughters best friend.
" Zay, what are you doing here?" I heard a voice say.
" Lucas you know this guy?" Riley asked.
" well aren't you a cute button" Zay said to Riley.
Riley blushed.
" well take a seat besides Kalani, Kalani raise your hand".
I raised my hand and Zay sat besides me.
" hopefully you do as great as the last years new student Lucas" Cory kept speaking.
" Wait Lucas your actually doing okay here?" Zay asked.
" why would he not?" I chimed in earning smirks from people.
" wait Lucas they don't know about-".
" we'll talk later Zay" Lucas spoke.
" so they don't know about you, they do know your a year older right? Like look at you!" Zay spoke laughing.
" yeah, well now they do" Lucas said looking at me and Riley.
I gave him a weak smile.
How can he not tell me, Maya, and Riley?
We deserved to know!
" dad what's going on did you know about this?" Riley asked Corey.
" yes, I know everything about Lucas Frier".
" are you serious?!" Me and Riley said at the same time both looking at each other.
" Kalani!" Maya said harshly giving me a sign of Riley.
I ignored it though.
I looked at Lucas who kept looking at Riley.
A while more of being in the class room the bell rang.
" how can you not tell me? What was so wrong that you did, why can't you trust me enough?" Riley said to Lucas.
We were walking to lunch.
" wait so Ranger Rick was a bad boy back at yeehaw school" Maya laughed.
I giggled at her remark.
Lucas stayed silent.
We all got our lunch and sat down.
I sat next to Lucas and Farkle.
I was in the middle of them.
Maya and Riley on the other side of the table.
" Lucas could you tell me what did you do that was bad?" Riley said.
"Why do you care so much?" He asked her.
" Lucas I like you" she said.
It made my heart sink a little.
" I like you too " Lucas said smiling.
" your the first boy I have ever liked, and do you really want me to like you with out even knowing everything about you?" She kept going on.
" Riley I don't believe you don't understand me" he said frustrated and getting up.
Riley looked down and Maya tried comforting her.
" I'm going to the bathroom" I said.
I got up from the table and Maya was eyeing me.
" Well wait for you and bring me a brownie when your coming back" she said.
I laughed.
Maya and her brownies.
I walked out of the cafeteria and headed towards the bathroom.
I didint really wanna go I just wanted to check my mascara.
After I checked it I walked back out.
I saw Lucas sitting on the stairs.
" Hey Lucas" I said and turning back around to walk towards the lunch room.
" hold on Kalani mind talking for a bit?".
I nodded and walked towards him.
" so" I started to say.
" what should I really do with Riley?" He asked.
" I don't know, do you really like her?" I asked.
He nodded.
" oh".
" why oh?".
" nothing I gotta go " I said standing up.
I stood up but I got held back by Lucas grabbing my hand.
" Kalani do you like me?" He asked.
" no why would I" I said smiling.
I had to fake smile, to not show my pain.
" I think you do, just tell me there's nothing wrong with that".
" I don't Lucas, I wouldn't like a guy that my best friend likes okay".
I yanked my arm away.
He stood up towering over my short height.
" then why do you look like your about to cry?!" He stated.
" I'm not!".
I really wanted to.
" it hurts you doesint it?!".
" no, leave me alone I don't know why everybody is asking me that" I said walking away.
I looked back at Lucas who was running his hand over his hair.
I did it even realize I bumped into somebody once I hit the floor.
" oh my god Kalani I'm so sorry" I heard a familiar guy voice.
" what are you doing here?" I asked him.
He helped me up.
" they canceled my school today" he said. " thought I should drop by and help my brother at work today".
" okay I guess".
" are you about to cry?" He asked me.
" no, leave me alone please" I whined.
He looked me in the eyes and a flash of pain went through his eyes.
" I'm sorry Josh, I just need some time alone".
" Where are you going?" He asked.
" to my locker".
I walked to my locker and reached for the bottom one.
Even though mines the top one the bottom one below me is empty and its nobody's.
I opened it and got in.
I closed the door half way.
" Kalani get out of there".
" in awhile".
I heard him sigh and saw him sit on the bench.
I started to think in there.
From allot of thinking I fell asleep in there.
I forgot about all my problems in the world.

Hey guys it's MalikGirl37, I wrote this book because well I absolutely love GIRL MEETS WORLD.
And I love Peyton Meyer!
Like he's fadorable!
I know, I know, not the best first chapter in the world but hey like I said in my other stories in not the best at first chapters.
But along the way my chapters will be getting better.
Please read, favorite, and comment on it!!
Thanks you guys!! Also love yaaaa....

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