Chapter 7

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Kalani's POV:
The next day was our last day in Texas before coming back home.
I spent the day outside petting a horse.
" you having fun?" I hear.
I turn around and see Zae.
" a little" I say showing a weak smile.
" I can tell your a bit upset about something".
" I'm not" I say back.

" it's about Lucas" he says.
" no it's not".
" About me what?" I hear the other raspy voice say.
Of course Lucas.
" nothing" I say turning my back on both of them.
" Kalani are you alright?" Lucas says putting a hand on my shoulder.
I move away slightly and stare at them both.
" goodbye" I say slowly and walk away.
I walk to where Tombstone the bull was.
I look at it for while.
It looked calm but if it get too close it wouldn't be for too long.
" Kalani Can we talk?" I hear.
" what Lucas?" I ask.
" I know your sad, tell me why" he demands.
" I'm sad, well because I'm home sick" I lie.
" not buying it" he says.
" You like Maya, right?" I say staring at him slowly.
I shouldint have asked that question.

He stares at me blankly.
" why do you ask?" He asks.
" because you say you like a blonde girl, and of course it's Maya" I scoff.
" why do you care on who I like Kalani?" He asks annoyingly.
" it's nothing, I'm going to finish packing we have to be at the airport at 6:00 Pm" I say trying to walk off.
" Kalani! I like you" Lucas says half shouting and his hand on the back of his head shyly.
" there it is" Zae smiles.

I stayed silent, but surprised.
I felt many butterflies in my stomach.
" are you going to say something?" He asks whispering.
" oh umm, sorry" I say.
He sighs then smirks a little.
He walks towards me and leans against my ear and whispers. " we know now we both like leach other".
I felt shivers down my spine but I smiled.
He smirked a walked away with Zae leaving me standing surprised.
Oh my god, he likes me!
I stayed sitting on a log for awhile thinking before I went inside.
I went back inside after like an hour, I walked into Papi Joes house and saw Lucas talking to Zae and Riley.
He looked over at the door and smiled and looked back at them.
I saw Farkle. " Hello Kalani!" He says walking towards me.
He grabs my hand. " let's dance".
" uh Farkle what are you doing?" I ask as he starts moving around.
" trying to dance, what else?" He asks.
" but this is awkward" I say.

" come on Tango with me" he says putting a rose in his mouth.
He spins me around rapidly without me knowing he was going to do that and it sent me down to the floor.
" nice one Farkle" I laugh getting up.
I got up and saw Lucas laughing his ass off.
I looked away embarrassed.
All of a sudden I hear Zae talk to Lucas.
" what is Farkle doing to to poor Kalani?" Zae asks laughing.
" I don't know, but I wish I was dancing with her" Lucas says.
My back was facing them but I turn my head slightly and look at them.
Lucas notices and I blush and turn back around.
But I felt his eyes still on me. " and oh yeah, it's cute when she gets embarrassed" he says walking past me.
I try to hold back the redness.
"Why do you look like a tomatoe?"Farkle asks.
I look at him. "Its nothing"I bit my lip and turned around to see Lucas talking to Riley.
"Kalani?"I hear my name bieng called.
I turn around and see Maya.
"Yeah?"I ask.
"Im sorry for bieng angry with you, I should be happy for Josh and Lucas but instead I got angry, and let our friendship go under the dust".
"It really hurt me Maya,Josh was the one that kissed me".
"Yeah, I know, Im sorry, will you forgive me?"she asked looking at me.
I sigh then nod.
She smiles wide then hugs me.
"Guess what!"she shrieks.
"What?"I ask.
"Me and Lucas almost kissed yesterday".
I stared at her blankly, I didint know what to say. I already knew.
"I like him, I really do, but theres Josh, you, and Riley" she kept saying. N
"Me what?"I acted stupid.
"Come on we all know you like him too"Maya laughs.
I cross my arms.
"Only question, does he like you? He seems pretty interested in Riley or me though"she says rudely."probably doesn't care for you... at all".
I raise my eyebrows. "Y-you just apologized, and your being mean to me again".
"I can apologize just to look good with Lucas and Riley, but to me your still a hoe trying to get with two guys"she said.
I felt my eyes sting signaling tears.
"Go ahead and cry, im just going to be using you so Lucas or Josh can like me".

"I-i"i began to say.
"Save it, you better not say anything, you better not date Lucas I have him wrapped around my finger so you can screw it up Kalani".
"Say what?"Riley asked coming up to us with Lucas.
"Oh nothing, me and Kalani are friends now" Maya saud hugging me.
Lucas looked annoyed and unsure. He turned to look at me.
"Kalani, are you crying? "He asked me.
"Shew crying because she missed us bieng friends"Maya said rapidly interfering.
Lucas still looked unsure but shook it off.
"I wanna do some thing" Riley said with a big smile plastered on her face.
"W-what?"I stuttered wiping a tear away.
"This"she turns to Lucas. "Will you go out with me?".
My eyes go wide.
"But on a date, like a friend date, im standing behind like Maya did, so lets chill at my house like friends"she said.
Lucas looked at me."I guess".
"Everybody pack your things were leaving to the train station"papi joe yelled.
I moved past Lucas and grabbee my luggage. Lucas eyes were on me the whole time.

This is going to be a long trip back.

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