Chapter 3

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Kalani's POV:

I sat in my side of the room watching tv. I have a separate tv so I dont share a TV with Riley. My curtains were closed so I only can see whats inside of my space.

I then hear the door open and I hear Riley and Maya's voice. I turned of the TV, and went under the covers, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. " I cant believe Josh kissed Kalani!" I heard Maya's voice.

" Well I think she didint kiss him Maya I think she's telling the truth, but I think she likes Lucas and I do mind and all but move on I guess" Riley said back.

" Is she here still?".

"I dont know lets go check!".

I closed my eyes even more.

I heard them open the curtain. " She's asleep".

They closed the curtain. I kept hearing them talk and like for another hour I actually did fall asleep, out of bored ness.

I got up and grabbed some clothes, wich were some skinny jeans, a grey tank top and a jacket over it. I put on my brown boots and put my hair in a high ponytail. I did my makeup as well. Just simple mascara and lip gloss.

I opened the curtain to find Lucas, Farkle, Riley, and Maya sittin around playing chutes and ladders the board game. " Hey Kalani" Farkle said. Maya looked the other way. I waved to Farkle.

Riley looked at me and smiled then waved so of course I waved back.

" You wanna play?" Riley asked me. "Uh no um yeah I have to go" I said walking past them and into the living room.

I walked out and saw Josh sitting on the sofa on his phone. I sighed and walked towards the kitchen, I guess Josh heard me because he looked at me. I ignored his stare and continued my way to the kitchen.  I opened the fridge and got out a piece of cheesecake. I cut out a piece and put it on a plate then the rest I put it back in the fridge.

I grabbed a fork and and grabbed the plate and began walking again.

I was about to head into my room when I hear my name. I look around and see Josh. "What?" I asked.

"Im sorry" He replied. "I accept your apology but I dont know if I can still keep on talking to you" I said and walked off.

"Wait What? Dont leave!" He said I hear him get up. I heard him follow me.

I opened the door and saw the rest in there. Josh coming in afterwards. " Kalani listen to me" he said.

Riley, Maya, Farkle, and Lucas all had thier attention on us.

" Leave me alone Josh" I half shouted.

I walked off and entered my side of the room. Damn boys have me all messed up.
And my head is hurting!

I sat on my bed not bothered to eat my cheesecake. Ugh I hate my life right now.

He entered on my side and not bothered closing the curtains behind him. Josh picked me up and carried me up bridal style, he then stood me up and pinned me up against a wall.

I was very frightened. " Kalani listen to me, you were the first girl I ever truly liked, I had many more I know but there's something about you I cant let go, it doesin matter the age difference between me and you, there's just a spark that I just cant let go" He said looking me in the eyes.

" Josh I think she's had enough drama for today" Lucas said to him. " Lucas please" Josh replied.

" Kalani let me be your first boy friend, ill make the time with you worth it" He said.

I was about to talk but no words came out.

" What's going on here?" Topanga's voice echoed through the room. Riley explained to her.

" Josh I think yo should go home back with dad" Cory told him. " Leave Kalani alone".

" Wow I atleast thought you would understand Cory, your my big brother, I thought you would help me out and give me advice but I see you dont even care" He said he then looked back at me and pushed me harder to the wall.

I winced a bit more when my back got in contact with the wall much more harder than before. " Kalani give me an answer". " Josh I dont know" I said and ran out of the room.

Riley's POV:
I feel bad for my uncle Josh, and also Kalani she's confused. I feel like she does like Lucas but she also likes Josh. I like Lucas but Kalani does too, but besides I liked him first. Maya likes Josh, and she hates Kalani right now. I feel like Kalani wont say yes to Josh because she feels bad for Maya.

Topanga's POV:
I ran after Kalani, I told Cory to hold back Josh.

"Kalani hold on come back" I said. She sat down on the kitchen stool at the dining table.

I sat in front of her and she started to cry. " Kalani what's wrong do you like Josh?" I asked. She nodded. "Then why dont you say yes?" I asked. " Because I like Lucas also and Maya will get mad at me if I say yes and I feel like im not ready for a relationship yet. Im 14 he's 17" She said back to me.

" Oh sweetheart, come here and give me a hug" I said opening my arms. She got up and walked towards me and handed me a hug.

" Look Kalani if you can be brave just for today, Go up to Josh and tell him your not ready for a relationship. Now wipe those tears away your mascara is messing up" I told her. She smiled and nodded and grabbed a napkin and wiped her tears away.

Cory's POV:
" Josh did you think Kalani might not be ready for a relationship, like this came all of a sudden for her" I told my brother Josh.

" I hate my self for liking her, she doesint like me, she likes Lucas! I feel it, I hate the way she looks at me, it makes me fall in a trance, the way she moves, her smile, her eyes, her soft lips that I got to kiss, I HATE MY SELF CORY" He screamed. " Why dont you tell her what makes you feel like this" I replied.

" If I did she wont believe me or she'll run away, again" He said. " Oh but I think you already did tell her" I said pointing behind him. Josh turned around and we saw Kalani standing behind him. " Ill leave you too alone" I said walking out.

Kalani's POV:

" Josh " I said quietly. "You heard all of that Kalani?" He asked me. I nodded. " All of it".

He sighed, " were you crying?" He said looking at my eyes. I nodded. I sat besides him.

" Every things changing Josh" I said. " I know Kalani".

We both sighed. " So you really think all those things about me?" I asked. He nodded. " The way youre staring at me right now is driving me crazy".

I laughed. " I also like your laugh, i like it because it means your happy and I want you to be happy." He said.

He smiled. " Friends?" I said putting my arm for him to shake. " Its going to hurt I cant kiss you anymore but I guess Friends" He said shaking my hand.

" You know there's always Maya" I smiled. " Yeah but she doesint bring me a spark like you do, you turn the spark on". I smiled. He isint a bad guy but I cant be with him because of Maya, I feel so bad for her.

" Josh?" I asked.

"Yeah, Kalani".

"Would life change" I said.

" What do you mean?".

"If I did this". I said before smashing my lips against his and pulling back after.

" Life would totally change" He smiled. I got up and left the room of thinking of what just happened.

I just kissed Josh Mathews!

I got up and walked out. I went to the room and saw Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Farkle.

I went to my side of the room and went to sleep due to the big day of tomorow for school.

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