Chapter 20

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Josh's POV:

I punched the wall, as hard as I could. I made her suffer, I tried to make her jealous. She still chooses Lucas! I can't believe it.
I looked at my bloody hand. It didint even hurt, I couldn't even feel the pain.
Why do I still keep following her? She doesint even care about me, she thinks of me as an older brother. I punched the wall again.
Why can't she look at me the way she looks at Lucas?
I punched it again!
All of a sudden my hand went through the wall making a big hole.
" fuck" I said grabbing my hand. I looked away and looked at my self in the mirror.
I'm going crazy without her.

I examined myself in the mirror, I was shirtless. I looked at the side of my waist. Blood smeared from my hand. I quickly grabbed a towel and wiped the blood and wrapped a bandage wrap around it.
I grab my car keys and head straight out the door not bothering grabbing a shirt along the way.
I go inside my car and speed down the road.

Kalani's POV:
I looked over as I watched Lucas flirt with Missy. Does he enjoy watching me suffer? What does he get out of this?
Pleasure? I guess so.
I walked down to Cory's classroom and sat down in my seat. I watch as Riley and Maya come in too. Maya smiles at me while Riley stares me down.
It sucks living with her if she's gonna be like this all the time.
She's still jealous about what happened with me and Lucas.

Then Farkle comes in the room. Walks down us and sits all the way in the back which is unidos he usually sits next to us. I turn around and see him out his head down on the table.
What's wrong with him?
Then Lucas and Missy walk in.
" are we still up after school Lucas?" She smiles at him and looks at me.
" of course Missy wouldn't miss it".
I scoff, and mimick them. They both turn to look at me.
" is there a problem there Kalaniiii" she says saying my name a little longer than it's supposed to be.
" it's Kalani" I stop. " and yes there is".
" what?".
I stayed silent.
" though so" she scoffs.
I sigh and look at Lucas. He looks at me.
" thanks".
"For what?" He asks.
" for defending your friend... or am I not even your friend anymore?" I roll my eyes.

He sighs." We'll talk later".
"What ever Lucas" I say looking at Cory.
Cory begins his lesson.
I couldn't really focus on anything because my jealousy kept having me look over at Missy and at Lucas.
Right in the middle of the class we hear a loud bang on the door. Cory looks at us.
" don't move" he says.
He goes over to the door. " I can't see who it is".
He goes to the door knob.
He slowly unlocks it and before he can open it the door slams open.
There standing was a shirtless Josh. He had a bloody bandage on his hand.
" Josh? What happened? What are you doing here?" Cory asks.
" I'm here for someone" Josh says looking all over the room.
His eyes land on me.
Then at Lucas.
He walks over to me stares me down then all of a sudden turns to Lucas. He lifts him up by his shirt.
" I'm suffering over here for this girl while she's suffering for you, and your treating her like crap trying to make her jealous with this other girl!" Josh says dragging Lucas outside.
He slams him on the locker.
Lucas then grabs him and turns him over. " Josh? Are you drunk? What the hell is going on?" Lucas says.
" I love that girl and I want to see her happy... I know you like her too but your angry and upset and want to make her suffer!" Josh says getting ore angry. " SHE CHOSE YOU NOT ME" he says swinging at Lucas but Lucas dodges.
" Josh I don't want to hurt you " Lucas says.
" oh, what can you do?!" Josh says pushing him off.
I was extremely scared.
" guys, stop!" Cory says going in between just to be pushed off by Josh.
Cory comes to me. "Try to get them off, say something Kalani!" Cory says worriedly.
" Josh stop!" Maya yells almost crying.
" Lucas! Josh! Please we can sort this out!" I say desperately wanting them to stop.

I go over to them and go in between. " please stop".
" so your defending him now too Kalani?" Josh yells.
" no! I'm not defending none of you!".
" you are you picked him again!" Josh says turning hot red.
" please Josh, go home... your drunk... your angry, please calm down" I say about to cry.

" who wouldn't be angry, you don't choose" I hear a voice.
I look over and see Riley.
" if you would just choose nobody would be having this problem" she shrugs.
" your no help Riles" I say.
" don't call me that Kal" she sighs.
" why not? What's wrong with you?" I yell.
" you took away Lucas from me you took Josh away from Maya.... Farkle likes you and you can't even realize it, your just causing troubles here, my mom and dad don't even have time for me and auggie because of all your stupid drama, I wish you never even came into our lives Kalani" she said with no face expression at all.
It was just a cold look.
Lucas and Josh stop to look at Riley.
" Riley what a-are you s-saying?" Maya chimes in.
" stop Maya" she says. " it's true isint it? You can't tell me you haven't thought of it".

" Riley?!" We hear. We all look around and see Farkle.
He looks me dead in the eye then walks out of the room.
I felt the tears coming in, and I didint know what to do.
I didint know if I should run, stay or just collapse right then and there.
If I went back home I would have to see Riley...
Why did my parents have to die?
This wouldn't have been happening, yes I like Cory and Topanga but it's not the same.
I felt a hand on my shoulder but I moved it off.
" bye guys" I say not even looking at them.
I had a plan.

That plan was sort of stupid.
I was just gonna walk and walk until my feet were gonna give out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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