Chapter 12

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Kalani's POV:
I was getting ready for the halloween party when Auggie comes barging into my side of the room.
"Really none of you cant take me and Ava trick or treating today?"he asks me laying down in my bed.
"Im sorry Augie,mabye next year One of us can take you"I smile.
"But if you guys dont take us my parents will!"he sighs.
"And whats so wrong if they take you?"I chuckle.
I began to make my face paint. Im a cat.

"Everything is wrong with it Kalani! My dad screams in the haunted house, those girl screams dont come from my mom, and they eat my Halloween candy along the way"he says frustrated.
"Sorry little man, might not be like that this year,try it out"i say finishing the face paint.
"And oh yeah Charlies here"he says walking away.
"Auggie! Could have told me sooner"i laugh.
I quickly brush my hair and put the cat ears on.
I walk out to the living room and see Charlie. He was dressed as im guessing phantom of the opera. The guy with the black cape and mask.
Really not sure, but hey wild guess right,
Lucas was in the room. Dressed as prince charming. His back laid on the wall and his foot against it. He saw me and stared.
"Hey Charlie, sorry I took long Auggie was stalling me".
"Its ok, and wow you look amazing"he smiled.
I see Lucas shift around. He then proceeded to give Charlie the death glare.
"Thanks, you don't look bad your self" I laughed.
"Should we wait for the rest?"he asked.
I nodded. I then hear a knock on the door.
"I got it"i yell.
I rush to the door and open it.
Is there not a day where I dont see him?.
"Im over here"auggie yelled. "Thanks for agreeing to take me trick or treating uncle josh!".
"No problem, I always like coming over"he stares at me.
Maya and riley come out as great gatsby costumes. Farkle was a scientist.
"Lets go"Riley said. We all nodded and walked out.
"bye guys, be safe!"Cory and Topanga said.
"And no more kissing Kalani or Riley"Cory yelled.
Its fun and sweet having Cory act like my dad.
The halloween party was at central park.
We had to board another train to get there, Lucas kept staring at Charlie,Charlie was never out of view for him.
Lucas and Farkle were sitting down whike the rest of us wrte standing up.
All of a sudden a stop sent me flying. I landed in Lucas's lap. "Hey "He said.
"Hi"i said giggling. I was red like a tomato right about now.
He glared at Charlie.
"Friar,shes with me"Charlie said.
Lucas glared at Charlie.
"Or shes with you, its cool"Charlie said going back.
"I think I should go"I say standing up but being pulled down by Lucas.
"Stay awhile".
I smile at him."nice costume prince charming".
"Thanks, nice cat costume".
He wasint focusing right.
He kept glaring over my shoulder."Lucas"I snap my fingers.
"Sorry ".
"Stop looking at Charlie".
"I will, sorry".
"I think I should go".
He sighs then nods.
I stand up quickly and carefully walk to Charlie.
All of a sudden the train stops at our destination and we headed out.
We walked to central park and saw so many people.
Maya's POV:
I knew something was up with Charlie. I feel like he was planning to do something horrible to Kalani. I know, I know, me and her are in worst terms right now, still not liking her for wanting two guys, but I mean I still care for her, for gods sake we used to be do close.
"Lucas!"I yell.
He shoots me a glare.
"I know your probably not liking me right now because of how I am with Kalani, but I feel like Charlie is planning to do something to Kalani, I dont know what yet, but we gotta keep an eye out" I say.
"Whats in it for you? What if your helping him?!" He responded arms crossed.
"Well huckleberry, if I wanted her to get embarrassed or hurt, do you think I would be telling you this right about now?"I raise an eyebrow.
"Right"he sighs.
"I just have this feeling hes gonna do something, I got to know what"I say walking away from Lucas.
Lucas's POV:
I turn to look at Kalani who was talking to Riley and Charlie.
If Charlie does something to her, he better run.
Didn't like him from the start, why should I now?
A little while into the party and having a bit fun, the lights turn off and one spotlight.
I look over and see it was on Kalani.
For gods sake!
I rush over and look.
"Charlie? What's going on? "Kalani asks.
"Something I should have done awhile ago, remember last year, I was asking Riley out but she blew me off because you and maya told her to not be with me, So I thought, should I get revenge? I also thought Maya is too clever and would be hard to get revenge on, but then theres you"he said circling around her."sweet little Kalani, the perfect girl to destroy her ego, the girl who stays quiet, I pretended to be your friend but in reality I wasint. Now its time for the little show."he smiles.
"W-what are you talking about?"she asks.
He laughs. "Oh sweet little Kalani... SPILL IT ON HER".
In seconds there was eggs bieng thrown, and red liquid pouring onto Kalani.
You can hear the mini scream of her.
She stopped screaming and stood there. The eggs stopped along with the liquid. She was all covered in disgusting gooey red liquid with egg.
She began to cry right then and there.
Maya looked at me.
I was in anger.
Kalani's POV:
How could Charlie do this to me? I thought we were friends!
I stood there crying, while people burst in laughter.
I then hear something. I turn around to see Lucas screaming at Charlie.
"What can I say Friar"Charlie smirked. "You cant do anything to me".
"Well see about that"Lucas said angrily. He grabbed Charlies shirt and pulled him and onto the wall and held him there.
"I promised myself I would try to control myself and not be the person I was in Texas, But you mess with my friends this happens, dont ever come near them you hear me?!"lucas said.
"Your not tuff you just act like it Lucas, stop protecting, you never get protected by nobody"Charlie spats.
"Oh really? "He says throwing Charlie onto the floor."Im as strong as a bull, and your over here on the floor"Lucas says angrily.
Charlie throws punches at Lucas.
"You shouldint have done that!"Lucas says.
All of a sudden I feel a pair of arms grab onto me.
I turn around and see Maya.
"Come on it's okay"she hugs me.
"I thought you hated me"i sobbed.
"I guess not anymore, I sensed that dousche was going to do something"she said.
"Are you okay Kal?"Riley asked hugging me.
I nodded as they took me away.
"Are we leaving?"I asked.
They both nodded.
We walked to the train station and I saw so many people stare at me. I sighed and tried to stop crying.
We finally got home and I rushed to open the door.
"Kalani, what happened? "Topanga asks.
I ignored her and went to my room.
Riley and Maya stayed to explain, I went to take a shower.
How and why?
How could this happen to me?

My life is always a disaster, I can never be happy for a day.

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