Chapter 8

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         I asked if everyone here was a werewolf with curiousity and Thomas said yes. I knew my life was going to change at that moment and it killed me. An older girl walked up to me after. She had long blonde ombre hair, a nose piercing, and a tatoo of a dove on her left shoulder. She stared at me for a few seconds. Until finally she introduced herself as Alex. Her voice was very calming to me. She made me feel not afraid anymore. After that the days just went on and she took care of me the most as I had to stick with the pack. She felt like an older sister to me as I adjusted living among werewolves. I completed the transition because if I didn't I would of died which I didn't want to. I had no other choice. But Alex helped me through it. It was hard and painful changing back and forth from a boy to a werewolf. She was the closest to me out of all of them and I would never let anything happen to her-
"Wait, so what happened to your parents Tyler?"
"They died before that and I was in foster care, until my pack took me in, but I went back to live with a new foster family again. I couldn't live the life of a werewolf that long. My foster family are human, but they definitely don't know about my werewolf state"
"This is so freaky. How is it even possible that werewolves exist?" I said with a disgust face
  "I'm not sure Ali"
  "What I'm trying to wonder is why would you hide this from me"
   "I thought that if you knew the truth then you would be scared and run away from me" He said looking down.
   "I got to admit I am scared and shocked, but I guess I'm thankful that you saved my life back in the woods. But I got to ask is there anyway to become human again?"
   "No, at least I don't think so" He said with a frown.
   "Do you want to be human again?"
   "Sometimes, but I've learned to embrace it"
   "Why did you transfer to Greek High then?"
   "I transferred because I wanted to live a normal human life, I fled my pack some time ago like I said even though I care about them deeply. I couldn't deal with not being human again"
   "I see"
   "I guess you think I'm a monster now, am I right?"
   "I don't think your a monster, but back in the woods who was that man? He didn't seem human?"
   "That's because he's not Alison, he's a vampire!"
   "What! First werewolves now vampires. I think I'm losing my mind" I said as I got up from the couch and brushed the top of my hair in anxiety.
   "Wow you ask a lot of questions Alison!"
   "I just want to know, plus I don't think this had happened to anyone else!" I said looking very anxious. I walked toward Tyler as he had his face in his palms and stopped right in front of him saying
  "I can't take the pressure of knowing this secret" He lifted his face to look up at me.
  "I know" He said looking as if he was giving up.
  "I get it if you want to break up"
  "I don't know how I will handle this, but for now I'm not going to leave you" I said with sincerity as I was crouching down in front of him and holding his hands. Then he smiled slightly as he was looking into my eyes.

        That night I laid in my bed, looking at my ceiling and wondering how crazy my life will get and will keep getting. There's no turning back. I can't forget what happened today. As much as I want to. I'm scared and I don't think I will ever be okay with this and soon after all that wondering I realized my eyelids were closed as I dosed off to sleep.

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