Chapter 9 Tyler

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        I can't believe Alison knows about me. I've been wanting to tell her so bad. It made me weak inside thinking about it every second of everyday, but I just couldn't bare the thought of her hating me for what I am. But since she knows I guess I don't have to lie to her anymore. All I hope is the best for her. I thought.

         It was morning and I was in the shower. When I heard a knock on my door. I turned of the water and wrapped myself in a towel, stepped out of the shower and walked downstairs to open the door. It was Alison, surprisingly. She was wearing a short skirt and a tang top with her blonde hair tied back in a bun. I was glad to see her. But when she saw me in a towel she was speechless yet hesitant. I was a little embarrassed that she saw me like that. I said
"Come in" in a high voice as I was nervous. She walked through the doorway smiling saying thank you. I guess the past couple of days have been awkward since she found out that I'm a werewolf so I don't blame her if she's a little distant. She sat on the couch in my living room. I asked her what was going on. Wanting to know every thought in her mind. But she just stared at me. Well not me exactly. Her eyes wondered down my neck and I caught her staring at my chest. I kinda found it cute that she may still have feelings for me and I was smiling in my head. Finally I just said her name and she said
"Uh...what" and looked up at me saying sorry and bit her lip, grinning.
"What did you want to talk about Alison?"
"Well I don't really know how to say this, but it's just that I need"
"Oh" I said looking down in disappointment and shock as I crossed my arms.
"It's just till I can get everything together, so I can understand. Does that make any sense?"
"Ya it does, I guess" I said with a sigh
"Okay, well I probably should get going to school" she said and rushed out the door, not even looking back at me. Once she was gone I got so mad at myself for what I was and that I ruined her life by letting her know me and falling in love with her. Letting me be so tempted to her, that I grabbed my lamp and smashed it on the ground and after I closed my eyes and let my thoughts take over.

        I changed into some jeans and a leather jacket and was about to head out the door to school when my cell phone rang. I picked it up knowing it was Thomas. I was a little nervous to why he would call me since I left my pack to start school and be normal for once. It's been a couple months since I've talked to them. So I said hello and I was surprised to hear Alex on the phone. I did miss her the most and it was actually nice to hear her voice again. But she seemed very serious and scared. I asked her what happened and she said
   "Tyler I was in the middle of the woods hunting and a kid was walking through and she tripped and fell over a stump and cut her knee. I could smell the wound a mile away and I tried not to give in to the smell of her fresh skin and the blood running down her leg. But I couldn't help myself and I charged at her and ripped her to pieces. I could hear her screaming in pain and I couldn't stop no matter how much I wanted to. I lost control and I.....killed her" By the sound of Alex's voice I could tell she was crying. I didn't know what to do. She's never lost control in her life. She's the one who taught me to hunt small animals not humans. I didn't know how to help her so I just said.
   "Have you told Thomas, does he know?"
    "No! I'm still in the woods hovering over her body. Your the first person that I called. I knew I could trust you the most"
    "Ok, hang on. I'll come to Willow Woods" I got in my car and drove as fast as I could to Willow Woods since it was three hours away. I was wondering what Thomas' reaction would be when he would see me. I'm not sure if he would hate me or be glad that I'm there.

        At 4pm I reached Willow Woods and parked my car on the side of the road and ran out as fast as I could leaving my car door wide open and my keys in the ignition. I ran into the woods yelling Alex's name. Then I heard someone say "over hear" in a slight whisper voice. I ran toward the voice, following the sound to a sad Alex. She had her face buried in her hands and she was kneeling beside the body, blood all over her clothes and face. I tiptoed toward her. Trying my hardest not to startle her. But she heard my faint footsteps and looked up to see a worried expression on my face. She said
"I...I don't know what I've done. I vowed not to harm any human ever again, since the incident back in Minnesota when I'd lost control as being a new werewolf"
"I know Alex. I'm so sorry, but we have to get rid of this body before anyone finds it. We can't afford that to happen"
"Ya, I know. There's a cliff where a lake lies at the bottom nearby. We should dispose of the body there"
"Alright. Help me lift the body" Alex grabbed the shoulders of the victim and I grabbed the legs and we struggled lifting that lifeless body out to the cliff. Alex stared at the victim's face and whispered "I'm sorry" to her. Not that the victim could hear. We attached a string and a brick to her leg and dropped her gently down the lake, watching her drop from the cliff and plopping right into the water,  sinking to the bottom until we couldn't see her figure anymore.

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