Chapter 22 Alison

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     The scroll is the key I thought as my mind drifts away recalling the moment, about ten seconds ago where Sage disappeared from us.
      "What materials are needed for us to perform the ritual?" Asks Jake.
      "Let me read it!" Exclaims Tyler.
      "Well it says that we need the venom of a vampire, the blood of a hybrid, the heart of a siren and the tear of the one with a broken heart."
      "What does the 'tear of the one with a broken heart' mean?" Says Kara.
       "I have no idea. Hopefully we'll figure it out at the ritual. But how the hell are we going to find all these items." I say.
        "Like you said we'll figure it out. It's not like we haven't before, even long before we met you." Claims Kara
        "What's that supposed to mean?" I say
        "It means that ever since you met Tyler you have made our lives a complete disaster. The warlocks were never looking for us before. But ever since you came along we have been hunted by the supernatural and have become a target and it's all your fault!"
       "Kara can you lay off of Alison. It isn't her fault that the warlocks are after us. She didn't even know about our world until about two weeks ago." Says Connor. I look at him and smile slightly.
        "Kara I have no idea what your problem with me is, but I didn't chose to be part of this world alright! But if you want me gone I'll go!" I storm off toward the outside of the cave. I can feel my face pulsing with red hot fury. So warm that it feels like a burning sensation. Connor calls out to me as he runs after me. He tells me to wait, but all I can think is maybe I should leave. Kara is right I don't belong here.
"Ali, stop please!" Connor exclaims as he catches up to me. I stop right in front of him, looking at the ground and he stands in front of me and places his hands on the bridge of my shoulders, squeezing them tight. I look up at him with calm sad eyes.
"Kara is a bitch, don't listen to her. You didn't cause any of this. I hope you know that."
"Kara may be a lot of things as to annoying and cruel, but she's right Connor. The warlock in my house, that vampire in the woods and even that creepy siren all came after me!"
"So maybe I'm connected to this in some way."
"What do you mean Alison. You are human. There is no way that you caused the warlocks to come after us."
"Then why were these supernatural creatures after me?"
"I don't know. Maybe you were just caught in the cross fire."
"No there has to be more. Think about it, why me? Why was I drawn to that siren?"
"Because that's how sirens attract their prey."
"No, it seemed different. The siren didn't just draw me toward her, she called for me. When I came face to face with her I wasn't scared, but she was."
"But that doesn't make any sense. Why would she be scared?"
"I don't know, but for some reason I have a feeling I'm connected to all of this in some way." I exclaim.
"Well if any of this has something to do with you, we'll handle it. All of us."
"Connor this is your pack not mine. I don't belong here."
"Yes you do Alison, your part of our family now."
"Well you are to me." I smile at him slightly as we stare into each other's deep pupils for what seemed like forever. His dark brown eyes engaged with mine. Connor steps closer to me and brushes his hand along my long blonde hair. He pushes a piece of loose hair behind my ear and smiles at me. Connor then leans into me and presses his warm moist lips against mine while placing his hand against my cold cheek. I close my eyes enjoying the moment. He releases his lips and stares at me shyly. I look at him seriously and lean in to kiss him, our lips press so hard while I wrap my arms around his neck. I could feel a huge spark of passion and an electric shock that drove through me. We release our lips and I slightly bite the corner of mine as we stare at each other smiling.
"I guess we have something to talk about later."
"I guess we do." He replies with a smirk. We walk back into the cave and we watch everyone as they chat amongst themselves. Connor and I walk toward them and Connor says.
"So how do you suppose we go about this plan?"
"Well we already know where to start." Tyler says.
"The lake of darkness...It's a mystical place- Back at the warehouse Alison and I found a book about the Wolves Eye and it showed us where we need to go to find it." Replies Tyler.
"Oh of course I heard of the tails of the lake when my parents read us bedtime stories. But I thought it was a myth, an old folk lord myth." States Jake.
"Well at least now we know it was no fairytale." Says Alex
"Well it's location is a two day drive from here. Are you guys sure you're up for this?" Asks Tyler
"Yes we are!" We all reply. Jake turns his head to face Cassius and says
"Thank you for everything Cassius."
"Your welcome, but I think I should come with you."
"Cassius I couldn't ask you to come with us."
"Are you sure because you're going to need all the help you can get and with magic like mine you have a better chance of winning."
"Cassius I'm sure. Please it wouldn't be safe for you. There are people hunting you remember."
"Alright, if you insist then I bid all of you a farewell, be safe on your travels and good luck."
"Thank you Cassius." Replies Tyler. Cassius grins at us nodding his head.
"Well we must get going there is no time to waste." Says Alex. We all venture out of the cave and walk along the railroad track to the elevator shaft. Tyler opens the gate as we all try to shove into the elevator and the gate closes behind us. I press the big old red button under the rusty box cover and we shoot up the elevator shaft as a rush of adrenaline hits me.

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