Chapter 2: No Place Like Home

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 "This is no walk in the park!" My uncle projected. I knew what he was going to say; I knew the warnings by heart now. I learnt them from the experience. I'm starting to think I need this for some type of closure. "We have no idea what's in Isla Nublar, and that's our goal – to find out what's there." After his whole, 'scare the people' scheme, we made our way to the gondola that brought us to safety. 

I limped onto the boat, my arm was wrapped around Zach who helped me up. Gray was letting me rest my hand on his shoulder as a lift. Eventually, we all sat down together with my uncle and Claire sitting in front of us.

I was laughing when my uncle started interrogating Zach, pressing pressure on him about the kiss he witnessed.

"Hiya, I'm Ian." A boy introduced, sitting next to me. "And you are?"


"No way." He breathed out. "The Jurassic Girl?" He asked, bewildered, making me chuckle and nod. "Big fan of your books." He grinned. "Can't believe I will be working with you. So, have you gotten over the whole incident?" I shook my head. The dinosaur's roars occasionally haunt my dreams, turning the delightful setting to become a nightmare.

"Uh...not really." I shrugged. "I hope this can be some sort of closure." The boat was loading, spotting Zach glance towards me before sitting next to a girl with ginger hair. I realized I haven't taken a good look at the boy who sat next to me.

I observed his tall light brown hair and light blue eyes. His hair was certainly adding at least three inches to his height. His ears were also pierced and he was really lanky and tall. His lips were long and small, eyebrows like catepillars. His voice was an accent I didn't hear much, slightly husky and deep.

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?" I clarified, finding myself distracted and on the brink of cluelessness.

"Ian...Ian Taylor." His eyebrows wiggled up, making me chuckle and rolled my eyes. "What?"

"The way you introduce yourself." I laughed. "It's ridiculous."

"Well, I'm hurt." He sounded, putting his palm on his chest in an agonizing like motion. "And frankly, I didn't see a better introduction from you."

"Let me try." I coughed to get my voice ready, straightened my back and did my best posh face to match the posh voice I was pulling "The Jurassic Girl, the Reptile Female, those are some of the many names you can call me, however my full name is Jessica Louise Grady-Parker-Brichard. Call me Jessie." I stated, ever so posh.

"That was amazing." He smiled, clapping and laughing – his right leg lifting up. "Just, wow. Did you practice that?"

" Maybe." 

"If you did, that's just sad." He insulted.

"Well, I'm hurt!" 


"We're here..." I sighed to myself, not talking to anyone in particular.

"It'" Ian awed. I could tell each overgrown tree, every dead flower. I saw each tall mountain and each forest. I saw every old attraction, every old street – most of them broken and crushed.

Each overgrown tree, plant - well, really - everything I see is tied with a memory. 

I wish Spencer came with us, however he hates it here now. He didn't get harmed, nevertheless he feels a certain despise towards this island. 

I got off the gondola, arriving on Isla Nublar. Everything still felt so...familiar. This place was still my home, if I liked it or not. The beach was clear, all the huge and most dangerous dinosaurs should be in the center of the island.

I still love it here. My heart has always been yearning for a return here, however the island was restricted. Even if I bled, and was harmed to the point of almost dying - this has been my home for most of my life, and will be for half my life until I turn 33 (cause then it will be over half my life. It will be in 12 years). I belonged here in a way, even if it would last a day.

I just needed to be back. 

For example, have you ever had a home where you stayed in when you were a child up to a teenager? Or, let's say your grandparents just moved from the house they stayed in for what seems to be forever and you knew that house like the back of your hand. You'll miss it, for sure. You'll wish to back, no matter why the left – it being a cockroach or rodent infestation to a dinosaur takeover.

I didn't even realize I was moving towards the jungle, following the path I always used to take.

"Jessie, come back." I felt someone tug on my arm, making me turn my head to see Zach. "We need to stay together." He sighed, his eyes staring through mine in an electric and hypnotizing fashion. It almost felt like he was leaning in again. He snapped his head, making me desire to look into his eyes again. Stop. I followed his actions and stared at the island up close. "How does it feel being back?" Zach inquired.

"Like..." I trailed off. "Being home."

revival - zach mitchell *2/3 of eradication trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now