Chapter 17

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The rain was still hitting my skin, however I was bound to something - I don't even know what. My vision was blurred, and my head was pounding. The last thing I remembered was entering the observatory rim of the Raptor Paddock before...before...I don't even remember. I completely lost what happened...It was as if nothing happened at all. All I know is that I entered the Raptor Paddock and now I'm in the center of it. The same old location where I would see Echo, Blue, Delta and Charlie prance around, enjoying their life. 

"Hey kiddo," My uncle smiled at me as I approached Echo after imprinting on him. "Now, just hold your hand up like this." 

I know that my emotions will get the best of me if I continue staring ahead. But it seemed as if it was happening all over again in front of me, as if my memories were a movie and I was re-watching it. 

I started trying to move, before realizing I couldn't. My ankles were tied around a tree, and my stomach and upper arms were tied to the tree. I could barely move. 

"Be careful, bantling." A voice said from across the raptor area. "I administered a tranquilizing dart. The effects should wear off soon." My vision was still blurred, however I could make out a man with a muscular man with dark eyes and dark hair.

I couldn't trust my voice. I was too shocked. This was my home, my place of safety and of course, it has to be ruined. Of course, I had to meet the man who had killed and tortured these creatures. "Who...who are you?" I stuttered, nervousness filling every silence and space between the words. For a safe place, I didn't feel safe...not at all.

He walked closer to me so I could see him clearly. He was old, his dark hair was graying, and he had wrinkles upon his face. "I'm Chase Orion," He introduced himself. "And you are?" My vision slowly started coming back, and the old familiar place was full of dinosaur horns and skins.

"Why...why have you been killing these dinosaurs?"

He let out a cackle, "Dinosaurs are extinct, bantling. Do you know how much these things will earn if you sell them?" I looked at him with disgust, and he obviously noticed. "Of course, you're like have no knowledge of how the world works." Everything that left his mouth just sparked my anger. "Why were you out here all alone? Were you apart of that...Girl Scout group coming here to check on the leftovers? Shouldn't you have a 'buddy'?"

These were the times I'm grateful for the belt my Uncle hates for being dangerous. Barry taught me to bring these around, especially when going around the park. I started attempting to bend my arms at weird angles to access my phone, whilst Chase Orion was too busy discussing his plans.

348 Texts from Zachary Mitchell

26 Texts from Uncle Owen

10 Texts from Aunt Claire

78 Missed Calls from Uncle Owen

5 Missed Calls from Zachary Mitchell

3 Missed Calls from Aunt Claire

Maybe I shouldn't have stormed off.

"So, I'll just let you know." He smirked, turning around to face me as I quickly hid my phone. "You're going to be free as soon as I get off of this island. Which will be in approximately..." He looked down at his watch, "3 hours."

I looked him in the eye. "Who are you even going to sell this to?"

"Oh, so naïve!" He exclaimed, "You really think Jurassic World and InGen were the only companies who wanted to have more dinosaur based stuff?" Chase Orion circled around his self made fire. "The world works by consumer and production. Once Jurassic World proved that dinosaurs could be created and used for sales, that these theme parks work...people will want to create something better. Something more unique." As he spoke, he didn't realize I sent a text.

To: Zachary Mitchell

@ RapPad. hunter. Help.

How could these kinds of people always be so oblivious to cell phones? Next part...I have to get out of these ropes.

As I attempted to reach for my utility knife, I scanned the room, finally gaining my vision. There were test tubes on shelves; there were skins and horns all around the area. A rack of guns was displayed as if he was proud that he owned them. There were knives, axes – any sharp and/or deadly tool was located in the exact room we were both in.

And he wasn't helping by scraping the two knives together, making a sharp and shrilling noise.

I finally managed to get my utility knife out, but I had to wait for a time to do it. When Chase Orion walked out, holding the two knives and a gun in his holster, I took my chance. I slowly started to slice the rope around my arms.

As soon as I freed myself, I moved on to my legs. My arms were bleeding from the slight grazes of the knife on my skin, and my legs have some similar issues. As soon as I got out, I ran to the test tubes.

They look like blood...shit...DNA.

As much as I love dinosaurs, these theme parks were torture for the animals that should be free. These were hybrids of creation. Life always has a way. We don't have the right to change their way.

I grabbed the back of the shelf and pushed, letting all the glasses fall onto the ground, breaking and spilling blood on the ground and on me.

From there, I sprinted for my life.

I heard my heart beat in my ears,

I needed to find a way to get out of here...quickly, before he comes back. It was a miracle that I managed to do what I did without him coming back.

I couldn't find the stones...I should've found something more obvious.

Just freaking run!

So, I did. And I did and I did until I caught eyes with someone in an area that seems to lack trees.

Almost like an animal himself, he growled. "I'm coming for you." 

revival - zach mitchell *2/3 of eradication trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now