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comment below if you think I should post story 3 to the trilogy. It's called "HAUNTING" and it follows this story. It'll also fully finish the Eradication series. Please tell me your opinions. 

Also, the trilogy will be in ZACH'S PERSPECTIVE!  (except for the prologue.) 

So hopefully you enjoy this! Comment what you think please! I won't post if no one wants me to post. 

Song Recommendation: Haunting by Halsey

Jessica's Perspective

I got this perfect human-being as a boyfriend; I did whatever I could to move on from Jurassic World, from the dinosaurs, and from Zach. I changed my hair, I got a tattoo on my back, I pierced my ears more than once, I dyed my hair black to blonde and then washed it all out and stuck with brown with blonde highlights, I tried different classes, I stopped doing what I loved, I started doing anything that I normally wouldn't do, I dabbled in drugs...I became a real mess – all my inhibitions were lost. I couldn't feel anything. I remember when dinosaurs were the only thing I knew – I was pure, I was innocent. I don't know how I got my boyfriend now. I don't know why he stays. 

Now, the flashbacks are haunting the way I sleep. The fact that I had killed a man on that island – that I had killed in general, the fact that I got shot, the way I treated people and the way I acted... and Zach. I've done things...things I haven't been able to tell anyone, not even my boyfriend...I've done things drunk and on drugs so I can't even remember myself...I've done things that I regret...I just can't take it anymore.

I feel bad for my boyfriend, in all honestly. I've been having this burning passion, this ambition...however my heart is as cold as ice. I haven't been 100% with my boyfriend, I barely been 60%. I know my boyfriend would drop everything for me, and it hurts my heart. I honestly don't get why he stays. He's practically golden. He is golden. He does charity work, he prays every night, he has something to believe in. 

I don't know what I believe in anymore. 

Last year, I never wanted dinosaurs to go back, but the more restless nights and the more I think, life isn't possible without these animals...The nightmares soon became desirable. I want to be in these nightmares. These nightmares became dreams. There is only one way I'll be back to myself, and it's on an island with the things I have known all my life, and that's when I got the email.

I became a walking zombie after I came back from the revival trip, and I still haven't healed. I mean what, sixteen years have to turn to dust!? All the animals I have learned to care for and train?! I know people who can barely let one year go. Why am I expected to drop 16 years? Why!? 

It's unfair. It's unfair. It's unfair. It's unfair. 

I'm done trying to get better, I'm done holding up the sky like Atlas, I'm done with putting others in front of me all the damn time...I'm done.

I need to make this better, and there's only one way how. 

revival - zach mitchell *2/3 of eradication trilogy*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora