Chapter 8: "Trouble in Paradise?"

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The next day was awkward to say at least.

I woke up in my sleeping bag two hours earlier than I should have, so that was a bad start. I tied my short hair back, making it look like a stump from the back of my head and saw my uncle on a log, carving a stick like that stereotypical tough guy character.

"Hey Uncle Owe," I greeted, sitting down next to him after maneuvering my way through the cluster of sleeping bags. "We haven't spoken with each other for long and since the beginning of the trip." I said, in a slightly higher pitch, resting my head onto his shoulder.

"Where did you go yesterday?" He inquired. "Don't act like I didn't notice my own niece's presence." He looked at me from the corner of his eye, a small smirk on his face. I scanned the crowd, trying to find a small white lie to do this.

"Just finding a good potty area." I fibbed, making him roll his eyes.

"Just stay safe." He sighed, "I know you, Jessie, and you won't tell me the whole truth if you don't want too." He explained, "you persistent, stubborn girl." I rolled my eyes, before looking at his carving in his hands.

"What are you carving?" I looked for answers, at the strange shape in his hands, with a 'what the hell' voice.

"I don't even know." He laughed, tossing it aside. "A piece of shit." I giggled at that, before picking it up, as it is located beside my foot. The slightly dark morning was gorgeous, the sun coming out slowly.

"Is it...a carving of wood?" I teased him, cheekily making him roll his eyes.

"You smart ass." He mumbled under his breath. "So, how's everything with you and him?" Uncle Owen nudged towards Zach's sleeping back, which was almost exactly opposite of mine. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell Zach.

"Just, can we not?" I sighed, frustrated with the whole situation. I regret everything I told him, I regret what happened during the conversation.

"Trouble in paradise?" I rolled my eyes.

"There wasn't a paradise to begin with." I mumbled.

"Do you think Blue is still alive?" He muttered, a sudden change of voice.

"I hope so." I responded, "Will you allow me to look for her?"

Moments pass by. This could be my escape from awkwardness.

"Yes." I almost squealed. "But, you have to follow certain rules and schedules. There will be loopholes, and you must stay with your group."

"How am I supposed to do it then?"

"Let me think."

After that encounter, I was on breakfast duty – handing everyone their breakfast packed in paper bags, including handing it out to Zach.

Zach had looked me in the eyes, looked at my hand – grabbed his food, and looked at the ground without a word. I felt guilt just glancing at him. He seemed so...hopeless.

Currently, we were on a bus to nowhere. The old reckless driver became an amazing one. Him and I drove in silence; I couldn't stand just sitting next to him. It was so awkward and full of neither unwanted nor needed tension. I stood up, and decided to move to the back and make sure everyone in our group is okay.

"Everyone okay?" I questioned the group, making sure everyone can hear me, whereas I heard a mumble in reply. "You all alright?" I went through each line, making sure every inhabitant of each seat was okay.

"Jess, do you want to sit with me?" Ian invited, scooting over to the window seat. I nodded, I don't know how Zach feels about me now after saying what I told him. I didn't like awkward situations, so with Ian – I could probably slip in some conversations. "Did you find what you were looking for yesterday?"

Considering I was looking for answers... "In a way." I responded, shrugging. "What do you think of Isla Nublar?"

"I think it's gorgeous." He smiled, looking at me. "Not as gorgeous as you." I looked away and rolled my eyes, he was being obvious as hell and it's making me uncomfortable.

"Jessie?" Zach called over for me as the bus halted. He sounded a little bit angry, but when I saw what was the obstacle put in front of the bus, I gasped. I was surprised myself. I didn't know it was this bad. "What do we do now?" 

revival - zach mitchell *2/3 of eradication trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now