Chapter 16

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The woods were dark, mainly due to the fact it was late at night. The sky was pitch dark, with freckles of stars marking every few meters. I had no clue where I was going anymore, just the trees leading me to wherever my feet take me.

It was weird; I used to know this place like the back of hand, every crook and every cranny, every corner and every turn. Now, I'm finding myself lost in a place that used to be my home, feeling so alone.

My breath soon became labored from the anxiety I was currently feeling, the tears threatening to spill blurred my vision, so I took a sit down for a moment.

The wet grass tickled my legs, the bugs making me itchy, whilst my thoughts were like demons, deconstructing every single thing that happened. My head fell back, leaving me to lay down on the grass.

When did Zach become one to submit to authority?

When did Uncle Owen stop caring?

Was what I did right?

Before I knew it, I was lost in my thoughts, staring at the stars in the sky.

I wonder if Echo made it. I knew it was very unlikely he did, however I also hope he didn't survive. I haven't seen a single trace of a Velociraptor on the soil – I have seen one of a dinosaur, of a Metriacanthosaurus – and I'm glad for that. I would not like to imagine Echo living here, one of the smaller dinosaurs, and possibly being killed in a torturous manner.

Stop, I told myself, Stop thinking about it. I sprung myself up, trying to avoid the continuance of these awful thoughts. I jumped up to my feet, and started strategizing. There were a pile of rocks...I could use that to help me find my way.

Grabbing a handful of stones, I started walking, using it to mark my path. My mind led my feet at numerous directions, taking lefts and rights, using stones to make sure I know how to get back...but what was the point? I wouldn't know how to go back to camp. 


That word just fueled the anger in me. 

I don't ever want to go back to them. 

Letting out a deep breath, I tried to manage my anger and focus on where I'm going.  At this point, I was too tired to remember what Uncle Owen and Barry taught me about using the stars as a navigational device, so I found myself in any direction I pleased.

It was only when it started raining when I realised how lost I was. 

And on my hundredth direction, I started gaining an idea to where I was. 

And a grin appeared on my face, as I remembered the hours I spent there as a child. A grin appeared as I remembered the moments I prayed to get out of park duty and come here.

I'm coming home.

Every step I took was full of anticipation, eager to go back to the place I love with all my heart. This place was was a safety net, a way to keep me calm. Whenever I had anxiety attacks while being a park ranger, I always came here. It was second nature to me.

The rain welcomed me even more; the rain hitting my skin was as if it was washing away all my sins. I felt alive the more I climbed up the hill and towards the all-familiar building.

I stopped, staring at the structure. Something about it was off. But it's been years since anyone has last been here, right? There's no way the person could have made their way here. It's too off the map, and it wasn't even on the original map!

I start to wonder what Uncle Owen, Aunt Claire and Zach must be feeling.

They must be glad I was gone. They must be glad there was no anger towards their shitty actions. They must be relieved to know there is no one there to revolt against their instructions.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself of what this was used to be like.

I opened the doors and I was greeted by complete darkness.

I'm home.

an: this part was kinda awful, sorry! haven't written this story in ages, and i need to remember the voice xD i tried my best tho! please tell me if you like it or not.

i'm also scared it was too short..


revival - zach mitchell *2/3 of eradication trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now