Chapter 10: The River

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            We were slugging through the mucky river that people once boated through. The water was dirtier, and we spotted multiple of the surviving dinosaurs drinking from the water...thank god those were herbivores.

Did any pure carnivores survive? If they did, for sure a lot of the others would've died...and if any one of us runs into them. The dead creature still haunted my mind – there were no dinosaur teeth like that. It looked almost as if two bullet shots had shot them directly in the neck – maybe even a large snake...if Henry Wu decided to make another hybrid without anyone knowing behind their back.

"Question," A girl with a large strand of blue dyed hair and black hair stated, "What has happen over there?" She pointed at the fallen down trees, making me slightly sad as I stared at the memory enhancer.

"Well, the insomnious-rex came here and destroyed the forest." I informed, "Zach, do you know if the bodies?" He shrugged, looking ahead. He hasn't looked at me properly except for when we were investigating the animals. "Anyways, they crushed that area and came across." The memories came back quickly, the teeth gnarling towards me, the devilish eyes.

I flinch, freezing up on the river, feeling my knees buckle. No, I need to be strong. I pushed through the traumatic experience, as if slipping my hands in bucket of small boxes and pushing them away.

I forcefully pushed my legs forward, one step and another, breaking my heart with every step.

The teeth. They were flashing in my mind, the dangerous eyes. My mind was hurting, as well as my heart – Echo, Blue, Delta and Charlie memories flashed by. My whole childhood was spent here.

"When I was young," I spoke quietly to anyone near, "I would come here every few weeks and Uncle Owen and I would go race down the river, while trying to name the most dinosaurs."

"I'm going to beat you!" Uncle Owen screamed, at the time – I believed him, however I know he was just saying that – he was going to let me win anyway. The Kayak was too big for one person, especially for my stature at the time. I would always go ahead due to him letting me win, when one day – I was eleven, I beat him fair and square.

Eleven years old was the year Uncle Owen didn't give me anything on a plate – I had to earn it. I was already acing all my homeschooled subjects and I was excelling at showing people around and at all the sites in the area.

When I was fourteen, my favorite memory here aroused.

I was kayaking with Uncle Owen and Barry, and I was demolishing him – being ahead by a bit. The water splashed, and I felt at peace – even with the fast paced boating that was occurring.

Uncle Owen caught up, being right beside me, until he used his paddle to disorient me and Barry pushed me off the boat. They started laughing while I was in the water, splashing my way around. I grabbed Owen's arms, pulling him into the water, and he pulled Barry in. We all burst out laughing, splashing each other every few moments.

"Get out of there!"

The mindless and now instinctive movement finally halted as we met the boating hut. I passed out the boats to each of the members, telling them to get into pairs. Ian and Zach got into one of the boats, whereas I shared one with Lisa. Zach and I wouldn't be able to share a boat because a, of awkwardness and b, because we would need to make sure they were okay.

"Anyone need water?" I shouted, trying to get all their attentions. I'm glad none of them are slow – we had to do physical tests for all of them, as well as mental tests to make sure their truly fit for this.

We did our rounds, passing people bottles of water or small snacks from the bag we packed with everything we would need for the day – waters, lunches and snacks. As soon as we reached halfway down our path, we stopped for lunch at the picnic table area, setting up the plastic plates and cups, giving them drinks and their lunches.

I sat separate from the group, not wishing to disturb and to think. Zach and Ian decided to sit on the same table – Zach immediately after Ian took a seat beside me. "So..." 

a/n: sorry for such a long update!! but i finally got over my writers block... do you guys have any suggestions for the next chapters or for the stories??? :-D 

revival - zach mitchell *2/3 of eradication trilogy*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum