Chapter 12: Caring.

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"Why do you care?" I inquired, motioning towards the fact he has been ignoring me all day. He stood in front of me, as the area I escaped to. His hair was astray - strands up and strands all over the place, with his eyes dull and not lit up like usually. His smile was gone...he just looked done with it.

"Cause I do." He responded, shrugging. "Where are you going?" Looking at him breaks my heart. I lost this boy a few years ago, only to lose him again...and this time - it was all my heart.

He poured his heart out to me, letting his feelings become open in the wild - like Hamilton and Burr. I, unfortunately, was Burr. I shot him...I killed it...I ruined it all, and I regretted it. I remembered the broadway I watched with a friend when we went to visit New York. I loved the whole Hamilton broadway, so comparing it to that made me laugh, but made me extremely miserable.

"Just nowhere." I shrugged, "I mean, look. There is nothing here anymore-" He interrupted me in the middle of my sentence.

"Except for like...unknown dinosaurs that could possibly kill you." I groaned - Zach being a lot more over protective than anyone else in my life, not including Owen while I was growing up and my mom when we got back from the disaster.

"Dinosaur Smi-no-saur." I rolled my ears, flicking my wrist in the air. He put his hand out, blocking me from my path. He's gotten stronger over the years, that block was enough to tell that he has. "Look, let me pass. I just need to do something."

"If you're going to do it," He sighed, "I'll go with you. Or at least let someone go with you, so you won't die and no one will know about it."

"At least it's an honourable one." I sighed, finally using all my force and pushed his arm away. "So, let me be."

"This isn't honourable, this is being stupid!" Zach screamed.

"Say that to the Ancient Greeks." I rolled my eyes, trying to motion to the fact that all ancient greek tragedies with suicide talked about how honourable they are. My personal favourite is Antigone.

I trudged my feet, each step making me go lower and lower, with each yell and scolding from Zach getting louder. I started learning how to ignore him...if I ignore him, he'll just go away, right?


"Why do you keep going out of bounds?"

"Haven't you ever learnt about no means no?"

"That is for when someone is unsafe." He shrugged, "You're putting yourself in a dangerous position, so I'm following you to keep you safe."

"What if you're making too much noise to cause us to get discovered?"

"Then, I'll be quiet." He was so stubborn.

"Why do you even want to be near me and making sure I'm safe?" I stopped in my tracks.

"Cause I freaking care about you!" He screamed, "And I still love you." That left me speechless once more. We were panting at the other, until I turned around and trudged forwards.

"Be careful, that step is muddy." 

A/N: Sorry if this seemed too repetitive. Currently, my normal laptop is in repair, so I'm borrowing my moms. Hopefully it's good, but I've also been failing Spanish so I'm kinda stressed.

Sorry!! If you have any comments, please comment below - it's very appreciated.

Also, I might do some shout outs??

K! Have fun! Hope you liked it. There will be some  (hopefully) unexpected things in the end ;)

BTW: Don't forget to check out my other stories, which include some 5SOS (Calum and Luke) stories and a Group B - The Maze Runner. There is also another Nick Robinson story up ;-) 

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