Chapter 4: Curiouser and Curiouser

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a/n: short chapter, but I promise the next one will be better :-D

We were at the camp, and it was only noon. The plan was just to make sure everything was all right in the temporary camp and that there were no major danger areas in the Aviary. We also had to set zones, a camp area, a base, a health place, and so on. I decided to help everyone settle in within the camp zones, setting up the area we will patrol and setting up where everyone would sleep.

"Jessie," Ian came up towards me. "Need any help?"

"With what?" I laughed, motioning towards the fact that I am only walking to the edge of the Aviary to mark where the boundaries are.

"I just wanted to walk with you." He guiltily admitted, making me chuckle and redden. "How're you?" He inquired, stuffing his hands in his pocket, his hair slightly messy. "What's it like being back?"

"I'm good, good." I responded, "How about you? How is this island for you?" I'm not going to lie, he is extremely attractive with a light brown up-do and electric blue eyes. "Have you ever been here before?"

"Amazing." He sighed, contently. "I have, but, a long time ago." We had a discussion, just talking about different dinosaurs and childhoods, until we reached where the end of the last two boundaries had a gap.

"Hey, uh, can you help me make the line of, uh, not crossing-ness?" I stammered awkwardly, making him slightly chuckle at the word vomit.

"Indeed, I can, m'lady." He smirked, before grabbing the other end of tape like rope and separating from me while walking backwards. I turned my head slightly as I started walking backwards.

"Be careful!" He kept screaming, trying to scare me, making me laugh.

"Fuck off!" I recoiled, before I saw him hit a tree. "KARMA'S A BITCH!"

"FUCK OFF!" He screamed back, making me burst out laughing and almost drop my tape like rope. .

I may be hallucinating, but I saw Zach staring at us. Even if he was, who cares? I'm going to give up on him. He broke up with me. I don't hate him, I hate that he has such annoying mixed signals. One second, we're good friends and the next, he seems like he hates everything I stand for.

"Thanks!" I smiled.

"It would be no problem." He smirked, cheekily. "Can I get a kiss?". I rolled my eyes and chuckled, before kissing his cheek when I heard an oh-so-familiar roar.

Is that them?

"Hey, uh," I stammered. "I'll be right back. Tell my uncle I the little girls bush." He chuckled at that, before nodding. "Just make sure he doesn't know where I am."

"Where are you going?" He seemed worried. "I'll go with you, it sounds dangerous."

"Ian, I'm fine." I sighed. "I have done this plenty times before, and it'll be more danger if you stayed with me. Just make sure he doesn't know where I went."

"Fine," He growled. "Stay safe!" He called as I ran off.

revival - zach mitchell *2/3 of eradication trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now