Chapter 18

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(Triggering towards the end.)

Collin's point of view

"Collin? Are you dressed? It's almost time for school." Someone said and I sniffled into my pillow. "Are you okay?"

Rather than denying it, I shook my head and then felt the bed dip down. He asked me what's wrong and I turned my head to look at Luke.

"Your fans literally h-hate me."

"What?" He asked and laughed a bit. "Collin, you just got introduced, they can't possibly hate you that quickly." He told me and I shook my head.

"They-They hate me Luke." I cried into my pillow and he rubbed my back. They called me pathetic for almost crying and stupid for being shy. They also kept making fun of how tiny I was and how I was an asshole for 'changing' Michael's sweet personality.

"You need to get dressed now Collin. I'm sorry but you can't miss any more school days." He told me and I nodded. "I'll see what I can go. Just go get dressed and then meet me downstairs."

I nodded and then got off of the bed. I went to my closet and then grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a white long sleeved t-shirt. I put them on and then pulled a red flannel on after I put socks on and then laced on some black converse.

I went to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my hair and then washed my face. I brushed my teeth and then I put my glasses on, along with my black earrings.

I grabbed my backpack and then I went downstairs to Luke. "Ready?" He asked and I simply nodded. "Come on, let's go."

And yet again, another nod.


"I knew he was with the band. The last name Hemmings isn't that common." Some girl whisperered as she saw me.

"Did you see him almost cry on live television? Fucking baby." Some boy said and I looked down a bit, unwilling to meet anyone and everyone's gaze.

"What did I tell you Collin?" Some girl hissed and I was pushed into the lockers. I gasped in pain and then squeezed my eyes shut as I held my arm. "You lied."

"I-I don't-"

"I thought I fucking made it clear that if you were lying to me that I'd kill you?" The girl asked and yanked me up. Either she was very strong, or I was smaller than I thought I was.

Probably both...

"I-I'm sorry b-"

"Ah ah ah," she said and I looked at her, afraid of what was going to happen. "I can't kill you, but what I can do is ruin your fucking life." She hissed and I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

Laughs and gasps filled the room and tears filled my eyes. My glasses fell on to the floor and then I looked down, feeling ashamed and guilty.

"What are you doing?" I heard someone yell and the girl was pushed off of me. I immediately reached for my glasses and then put them on, blinking away my tears.

"Don't fucking touch him or I swear to god I'll rip out your hair." The person said and I looked up. I saw Kayla on top of the girl and I quickly walked over, grabbing her wrist softlt.

"H-Hey," I said and she looked at me. "It's o-okay." I told her quietly and the glare she had softened. I gave her a pleading look and then she sighed while nodding.

"If you go near him again, I will hunt you down. I know how to use a shotgun." Kayla hissed and got off of the girl. She fixed the skirt she had on and then she smiled brightly.

Adopted by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now