Chapter 35

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You can expect like 3 more updates in the course span of 10 minutes haha. Since I used to take so long to update, I'm making up for it all. Enjoy xx

Also, the author's note came out to early, sorry. I didn't mean to post it yet.

Collin's point of view

"Knock knock." I heard someone say as I yanked my black skinny jeans up. I looked up and saw Michael. "Getting dressed?"

"Yeah." I said as I zip my jeans up. I pulled my white button-up on and then began to button it. "Help me with the tie?" I asked him and he nodded.

He grabbed it off of my bed and then put it around my neck. "I never thought that one day I'd help a fourteen year old get ready for a date." He told me as he began to fix it.

"Well, things change." I told him and he nodded, agreeing with me. He tightened it and then I looked at him.

"Can't believe you're going on a date at fourteen," he said and laughed. "I didn't get my first date until sixteen." He td me and I nodded.

"What did you do?" I asked him and he sat on my bed as I took a seat beside him. I pulled my socks on and he looked at me.

"I took her to the carnival, it was cliché but she loved carnivals." I nodded as I laced my combat boots on and he laughed. "It was... amazing. It was magical and I had fun."

"You think that this will be like that? Amazing? Magical even?" I asked him and he nodded.

"You're clearly into each other so of course I do." He told me as he helped me out my leather jacket on. I thanked him and he grabbed the comb off of my desk.

He began to fix my hair and once he had it styled in a way that he thought looked nice, he put my glasses on me. I smiled and then he tapped my chin.

"Have fun okay? Luke will drop you two off and I'll come and pick you two up." He told me and I nodded.

"You guys are the best." I said to him and he gave me a hug. "I love you guys."

"We love you to buddy, now go before you're late."


"What is this?" She asked me as we walked into a building. "Dude, what's going on?"

"Ashton doesn't know the difference between dates for a few fourteen year olds and a few twenty year olds." I said and she laughed. "This is his uncle's restraunt and he said that they're closed tonight but he can pull some strings."

"And what are those strings-"

"Sir. Madam."

Oh no.

I looked and saw a bright smiling Calum. He was dressed in a suit and he had a blue towel over his arm. Oh my god.

"I see." Kayla giggled and smiled. "Hello." She said and Calum chuckled.

"You're table." He said and I blushed in embarrassment as he led us to some table by the large windows that gave us a perfect view of the ocean. "I'll be back for your orders."

He walked away and Kayla laughed. "They're idiots." She said and I agreed. "I should have known the strings would be that they would have to be here and work here for the night." She told me and I nodded.

"You look really pretty tonight." I told her, trying to change the subject, and she blushed. "I don't know if I told you that yet or not. Blue is really your color." I told her.

Adopted by Luke HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang