Chapter 31

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Collin's point of view

"So, why did you need me to bring you home for a change of clothes?" Luke asked me as we walked into the house.

"Luke! Check out what Collin did at school! It's all over Twitter now! He's trending again!" Michael said as he ran down the stairs. "You are the man Collin."

"I'm fourteen, I'm not a man." I said with a chuckled and went to the couch. I set my backpack down and then waved to Jack and Liz.

"How was school little one?" Liz asked me as she folded her arms behind her head and crossed her legs.

"It was fine." I said and smiled. "Besides for the detention I was told I have, that was weird."

"Why did you get detention? Get caught kissing your girlfriend?" Jack asked with a chuckle.

"No, I talked back to a uh teacher." I said and Luke walked into the room with Michael.

"So, you pulled your dress up a bit and deliberately got in trouble just for Kayla and your friend?" Luke asked me and I looked at him.

"Homies stick together Luke." I said and he laughed. "Her dress wasn't even thar short, I don't understand. Oh, they're legs, so sexy mhm... sexy legs. What the hell even?" I asked and Michael laughed with me.

"It wasn't short at all, but I'm glad you stuck up for your friends. That was an amazing thing to do buddy. However, let's talk about that detention. What happened there?" He asked me.

"Okay so um a teacher dressed in a suit looked at me and Justin and then told us dresses were for girls, which I guess they are, I don't know." I said and he nodded.

"They're for everyone, just because one gender wears it more than the other doesn't mean it's just for them." Michael said and I nodded. "Clothes don't have genders, they're clothes."

"I-I um may or may not have told the teacher that if dresses were for girls then suits were for uh boys." I said and Michael chuckled. "And I uh told her that the last time I checked, I wasn't a girl."

"That's not that bad." Michael told me and gave me a hug. "I'm just glad you're finally coming out of your shell. Up top buddy."

We high-fived and I looked at Luke. "Are you-Are you mad at me?" I asked him and he chucked as he shook his head.

"No, I'm just wondering how the hell you talked back to someone when you can barely talk to someone." He said and I laughed. "Come here."

He pulled me into a hug and I smiled. "I'm not mad. In fact, I think you did the right thing by standing up for yourself. I would have done the same."

"I would have kicked your ass." Liz said and Luke laughed. "You think getting detention is okay? Well, I think taking away your guitar is okay to."

"Mum," Luke said as I laughed. "You know full well I would have gone to Calum's or something and played their's. The school had guitars too. It's inevitable that I'd get my hands on one." He said and Liz huffed, saying that was true.

"Besides, Collin did the right thing by sticking up for himself and his girlfriend. Give him credit okay? It's fine." Luke said and his mum sighed.

"Only because I don't know the boy well enough to actually start enforcing dicipline." She said and I gasped as I accidentally rubbed my face against Luke's shirt.

I pulled away from Luke and then touched my face. "Are my stickers still there?" I asked him and he moved my hands.

"The diamonds?" Luke asked and I nodded. "Yeah, they're there. All of them I believe." He told me and I nodded.

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