Chapter 20

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-Honestly, it's so cool that some people get so excited when I update or when I message/follow/reply to them. Honestly, I'm no one special and I don't understand why it happens, but it makes me so happy and so confident and I love you guys. Hope you like this xx ♡

Collin's point of view

I sat in my room with Luke and Calum. I was cuddled up to Luke and Calum was just beside us so he wasn't all alone. Def Leppard was playing and Calum was humming along.

"How's school buddy? Having fun? Meeting new people? Getting the highest grades?" Luke asked me and I shook my head. "No? Why? What's up?"

"It's hard." I mumbled and Calum snickered. "I-I'm bad at math and-and I hate gym." I said and Luke rubbed my back softly.

"Why do you hate gym?"

"Because I-I have to change in front of all the guys all and-and I'm bad at sports. Plus I look so... so pathetic compared to the o-other boys." I said and he sighed. "And then I don't understand math at all. It's a m-mess of letters and nu-numbers."

"I can help you with math buddy. My mum is a math teacher." He said and I nodded. "Oh! My mum is flying down next week with Ben and dad! Jack is busy working so he can't come which is strange because Ben is usually the busy one."

"You're the busy one." Calum said and Luke agreed. "If you need help at sports and stuff, I can help you with that a bit. I'm the most sporty and I can take you to the gym a bit to like bulk up and shit."

"Playing F-Fifa doesn't c-count."

"I mean real football buddy." Calum said and I nodded, my head hurting a bit. "Just me and you, Calum and Collin time."

"Anything else wrong with school that we can fix little man?" Luke asked me and I bit the inside if my lip.

"It's fine." I lied and he nodded as he played with my hair. "The rest is o-okay." I told him and Calum hummed to some song.

"Is there anything coming up? I remember there being these dances all the girls got excited for and the guys hated because they had to spend money on like a 'promposal' or something." Calum said and I nodded.

"Do you wanna go?"

"I-I asked Kayla, kind of, if she-if she would go with me..." I trailed off and Calum cheered. "She said she wo-would and yeah..."

"Fourteen years old and getting the girls, hell yeah." Calum said and I frowned a bit because it sounds like this is some competition. This isn't a competition of who can date a girl at the youngest age...

"You don't get a girl," I mumbled. "She's not a Pokémon. You can't just-just get one or something." I said and Luke chuckled.

"So wise and he's only fourteen."

"Urgh this is Ashton's fault." Calum groaned and I rolled my eyes. "When's this dance?" He asked me.

"A-A few weeks." I said and they just hummed. "It's uh at like five or something."

"Well, that gives us time to take you to that dinner with our boss." Luke said and I froze. "Our boss wants to meet you."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes." Calum said and I nodded. "It's okay, he's not that bad. He can have mood swings and such but he isn't as bad as he comes off as." He told me and I nodded again as Luke scoffed.

"O-Okay..." I said and Luke rubbed my arm comfortingly. "When is it?" I asked him and he hummed.

"This Friday." Luke answered and I just hummed quietly. "How's everything going on in here buddy?" He asked me after it went dead silent, his finger tapping on my temple a bit. "All good?"

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