Chapter 26

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Collin's point of view

My back was aching and my body felt numb. No, not even numb actually. I felt like there was a pressure set on my body and I felt like it was going to just collapse. I felt like I was thrown down a flight of stairs and then forced to be the target at dodgeball.

It was a mix between numbness and pain and it was excruciating. Why can't it be just one? I'd rather be numb or in pain, not both. It was making me weak and I'm not even doing anything.

I tried moving, but I couldn't. I tried opening my eyes, but they were like super glued and sewed shut. I tried moving my finger, my finger, but it couldn't.

Why couldn't I move?

Am I dead? God, please. Is this what being dead feels like? I thought it'd be nothing. I thought it'd free me from pain.

Even death let me down...


The voice was tired, weak, broken, and it made my heart clench and my throat dry even more. I never wanted her to be sad and yet it's my fault she's sad, I think. It emotionally and physically hurt me to hear her in pain or to know she was in pain.

"Collin, please wake up. It's been almost a month. I've spent about a month needing you and wishing you'd wake up. Please Collin, you need to wake up. For me Collin, for the band, for yourself, please. The band is tearing at the seams and-and Michael is going insane. Please, you need to wake up. We need you." She begged and I tried moving again but no fucking avail.

She set her hand on mine and I could feel my heart speed up. She just has that effect on me, ever since the day we met she's made my heard race, sometimes it was bad, other times it was in the most amazing way.

"What-" She cut herself up and then she took her hand off of me. "Collin?"

No no no please.

Her hand lightly touched my skin again and this time it was on my hipbone. Her touch was light, almost as if she was scared I'd break to pieces under her fingers.

My heart sped up again at the small action and all I heard was this consistent beeping sound that made me want to chop my head off.

"Oh my god Collin, wake up. I-I know you're awake." She said hopefully and I tried moving but I couldn't and it was so frustrating.

"Please, I'm begging you Collin." She cried and grabbed my hand, her fingers lacing with mine. I tried moving my hand, and after about a hundred times, I finally got my fingers to curl around hers.

"Oh my god," she sobbed and held my hand tighter. "Michael! Mummy! Get the doctor!" Kayla cried loudly and I squeezed her hand.

"Kayla? Why? What happened?" I heard her mum ask. "Darling, you told us yesterday that he was awake."

"He is awake now!" Kayla said and I put all my strength to squeeze her hand harder. "See! He's awake. Collin, you're awake aren't you?"




"Kayla, darling-"

"He is awake." Kayla said and I squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted to open my eyes but the light burning behind them was so bright that I made myself keep them close.

A small, I audible groan escaped my lips and I heard a gasp. "He actually is awake! Go get the doctor! I'll go get the doctor! Oh my god!" A woman said quickly and I heard footsteps against tiles.

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