Chapter 32

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Collin's point of view

"Hey, Collin, it's time to wake up. I'm almost done making your breakfast." Luke said and I groaned.

"I'm tired Luke." I said and he sighed, telling me that he knew that but had to go to school anyways. "Why?" I whined.

"Because you need an education." He said and I huffed. "Come on, get up buddy. You don't want to miss a day of seeing Kayla... right?"

"Yeah." I said and nodded. "I'll be down in fifteen minutes." I said and he told me that I'd better be.

The door closed and I stood up, sitting on my bed silently for a solid two minutes. My mind was spinning and I was in this blissful state of not having to do anything and being half asleep.

I stood up and then stretched my arms out, sighing as I heard a few bones pop and crack in all the right ways. I went to my bathroom and then washed my face.

I put my glasses on and then I went to my closet, grabbing some shirt that was definitely not mine. I put the white long sleeved shirt on and then pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans with holes in the knees. After lacing a pair of black and white converse on, I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

I set the bag by the table and walked into the kitchen, deciding to help him out a bit. However, when I saw him put something into a glass of water by the plate that was made, I stopped.

"What's that?" I asked him, wondering what he was doing. "Do you take like medication or something?" I asked him as he turned around, a bit shocked and nervous.

"I-I um I uh... y-yeah." He said ad he pushed the water away. He grabbed a new glass and then filled it up, setting it by my plate. "Go sit down at the table, I'll bring you your food." He said.

"I'll do it, it's fine." I said because I felt bad he had to do this for me every morning. I didn't deserve this, nor did I need this. He was just doing more work and I didn't want him doing that.

You're already problematic enough, you don't need him to do this for you. Stop being so needy, so... so helpless.

I looked at Luke and he was smiling, the plate long gone. "It's on the table. Here's your water, go eat and then go brush your teeth so I can take you to school okay? No more zoning out."

"Okay." I said and took the glass from him. I took a drink as I went back to the table, the feeling of guilt still making me uneasy.

"You have ten minutes little man, hurry up okay?" Luke repeated and I nodded, thanking him. "You're welcome."


"Are you still up for later on?" Justin asked me and I nodded as I closed my locker. "Who's that?" He asked ad he saw the shirt I had on.

I looked down and then looked at him. "Michael's... I think?" I said and shrugged. "It has a black heart on it so I think it's his. The other guys don't like hearts on their clothes, well, not like this."

"It's really cute." He told me and I nodded. "I need to ask where he bought that." He said as he fixed the sweater so the neckline was falling off my shoulder.

"It's perfect." He told me and smiled as my pale collarbone came into show. I went to fix it but he stopped my hand. "Come on, it's okay." He told me.

I hesitated, and then moved my hand. "There you go. You look great dude. Leave it." He said and I nodded. I was going to speak, but then a voice cut me off.

"Hey Justin,"

"Urgh it's your again." He said annoyed as some really pretty girl walked up to him. He looked at her and sighed. "I'm gay honey. I'm sorry you're into me but I don't roll that way, okay? Dicks over chicks, mhm." He said to her.

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