Chapter 5. The First Day Of School

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Today was the first day of my senior year of high school. After that, it's off to audition for Juilliard and hopefully go on Broadway. Hudson said that he would come with me and get a job as a director for a show or something.

 We'd been going out for two years now, and I honestly saw it going somewhere. Just not exactly where I wanted it to go. I walked over to my closet, yawning and scratching my arm as I did. I opened the white doors and sifted through my clothes. 

I chose out a black flowy tank top with a frocket that had 'dreamer' on it in white cursive. I matched it with white lace shorts and a light pink cardigan thing from / eis / Los Angeles (one of my favorite clothing stores. Along with PPLA, where I got the shirt and shorts from). 

My shoes were a pair of flat, tan sandals with some tassels hanging from the part that went around my ankle. I went into my bathroom, curled my hair, put a white lace bow in, and then put some foundation on and winged my liquid eyeliner and mascara. 

I looked at my reflection and smiled. I went into my room again and grabbed my grey backpack from PINK, filled with all of my supplies. My phone was still resting on my dresser from last night and grabbed it. I trotted down the long stairs and went into the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom." I said, seeing her at the kitchen table. She looked up at me and I creased my eyebrows together. She had red, puffy eyes and I walked over to her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." she assured me, sniffling and shaking her head. She got up and smiled. "You look beautiful."

"Mom." I started. She shook her head and I left it. "Okay." I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Fiji water.

"Kay, see you later!" I called over my shoulder before opening the door.

"Bye, sweetheart!" my mom yelled back. 

I closed the door behind me and skipped down the walkway to my silver Mercedes that was parked in front of my house. 

I had my keys already in my backpack so I wouldn't have to waist any time trying to find them. I opened my door and got in, placing my backpack in the passenger seat and turned the radio up.

"...hide it, fake it

I can't pretend anymore

I only wanna die alive

Never by the hands of a broken heart

I don't wanna hear your lies tonight

Now that I've become who I really are." Ariana's voice sang. I joined in on the chorus as I rolled out of the col-de-sac and passed Cameron's house. 

We hadn't spoken since the flour fight. My dad never let me go to his house, and he was never allowed to come back over to mine. A few minutes later, I pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot. 

I slowly drove into it and turned the car off. I took my keys out of the ignition, got my phone and backpack and then got out of my car. I shut the door and slung a strap of my backpack over my right shoulder.

"Anna!" I heard a voice yell behind me as I made my way up to the glass doors. I stopped and turned around and looked for who was calling me. 

I located my best friend, Bella, waving her arms like a maniac as she ran towards me. I laughed and held my arms out for a hug. She almost tackled me to the concrete ground as she crashed into my hug.

"Hey, Bella. What's up?" I laughed, letting her out of my hug. She smiled. I noticed that she had tanner skin and her brunette hair had gotten lighter at the tips.

"Nothing. I spent almost all summer with my family in Athens." she said, turning and we started towards the doors.

"So that's why you look so tan." I said, nodding my head. 

She laughed and ran a hand through her naturally wavy hair. She was really pretty, with her long brown hair and ocean blue eyes. Most guys drooled over her, but she had her sights set on one guy. Nash Grier.

"Thanks for noticing, An." she said, using my nickname. 

I rolled my eyes and pulled open the door. I had my water bottle in my left hand, and my phone in the same hand. I'd put my keys in a pocket in my backpack that no one could really get to. 

Except for me, of course. I'd memorized my schedule yesterday so I wouldn't have to carry around that stupid piece of paper all day. I smirked as Bella and I made our way through all the confused freshmen.

"God, can they get any more annoying?" I muttered. Bella laughed next to me and we turned to the right, where our first class was.

"Hey, Anna!" I heard Hudson's voice call. 

I smiled and went to the back of the classroom, where he was sitting on the top of a desk. He got off and kissed me on the lips. I smiled in the kiss and kissed back.

"Whooh!" I heard my friend, Lisa holler behind me. I broke away from the kiss and looked at my blonde friend.

"Shut up." I teased. The bell rang, signaling for us to take our seats. I took an empty seat to the left of Hudson.

"Hello, class. Welcome to your first day of senior year." the teacher at the front said. We all whooped and hollered, clapping as we did. I'd pulled out my notebook for the class, History, and also my mechanical pencil. "Settle down, settle down." As I was trying to get the lead dispenser of my pencil to work, I heard the door open and glanced up. It was Cameron.

"Sorry I'm late, Mr..." Cam trailed off. I smirked as the teacher looked over at him and raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Louis." he replied. Cameron pointed at him, smiling. I smiled and finally got my dispenser to work. "And you are?"

"Cameron, sir. Cameron Dallas." he replied, holding his hand out as if Mr. Louis was going to shake it. 

I let out a laugh and threw my hand over my mouth, causing a loud slapping sound. I felt all my classmates turn to look at me and I suddenly felt my face turn red. I smiled sheepishly and sunk down in my seat, making eye contact with Cameron. He winked at me and I felt myself grow even more red.

"Well, Mr. Dallas. Take a seat anywhere there's an empty one." Mr. Louis said, ignoring Cam's held out hand and gesturing to the class room. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an empty seat to my left and I silently prayed that he wouldn't choose that seat. I stared down at my desk top as I heard Cameron's footsteps get closer. The desk next to me squeaked a little as he sat down and put his backpack on the floor. 

Mr. Louis started talking and everyone turned their attention to he front. I looked over at Cameron and he was writing whatever Mr. Louis was saying down in his notebook. I tried to concentrate on what my teacher was saying, but a few seconds later I felt a tap on my arm. 

I turned to look at Cameron, who was holding his notebook up. He'd written 'what's with the teacher?'. I looked at his face and had to bite my lower lip to keep myself from laughing at his crazy face. He smiled and then put his notebook down. 

Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

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