Chapter 23. I Missed You

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Two weeks after Aiden's accident

"Anna, Anna, Anna! You're back!" Allie yelled as she ran down the stairs. I laughed at her and opened my arms, bending down to be at her height level.

"I've missed you so much, Allie." I said, hugging her tightly.

"Hey, what about your favorite brother?" I heard from the living room couch. 

I picked Allie up, setting her on my right hip as I walked over to where Aiden was lying down on the couch, watching 'Friends' on our TV.

"Glad to see you feeling better, Aiden." I said, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Glad I'm feeling better." he said, looking up at me. I laughed, leaning back on what I could of the couch.

"Anna, honey, is that you?" I heard my mom ask, walking into the living room.

"Has she gotten more oblivious since I've been gone?" I whispered to Aiden. He laughed, nodding his head. I set Allie down where Aiden was laying and stood, going over to my mom. "It is me, Mom." I hugged her lightly, but she gave me a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so glad that you're home for Christmas. It's been so long since I last saw you." she said, still hugging me.

"Mom, I was here like two weeks ago." I said, feeling my ribs start to touch each other. "I'm also going to die if you keep hugging me."

"Oh, right, sorry." she apologized. I moved onto my dad, who was a lot more chill than my mom was.

"Is, um, Cameron home?" I asked hopefully, clasping my hands together behind my back.

"I think so, his car is in his driveway." my dad said, motioning to where Cameron's car sat. I smiled excitedly and headed for the door, but stopped when I was a few feet away from it.

Turning back around to where my parents were standing, I raised my eyebrows at them, begging them silently to let me go.

"Go, go!" my mom exclaimed, shooing me away.

I laughed and pulled open the door, sprinting down my driveway and up to Cameron's front porch. I got to the top and knocked on the wooden door, bouncing on the balls of my feet. 

It opened a few seconds later, revealing Gina with an apron wrapped around her waist.

"Hi, Mrs. Dallas. Is Cameron here?" I asked, looking over her shoulder into the house. She laughed at me, probably sensing what I was here for.

"Yeah, he is. He's up in his room, probably listening to music or making a video or something." she said, waving her hand. She looked at me again and smiled. "Go on up, he's been waiting for you." I thanked her and ran past her, going up the stairs two by two until I reached the second level flooring.

Running to Cameron's room, I felt myself become excited. I was going to see Cameron again, after about two weeks with no talking, and then all the not talking before that, it was like I was meeting him all over again. 

I reached his room and burst open the door, finding him sitting on his bed with his camera in front of him, his laptop beside him, and holding his phone in his hand. He looked over to where I'd slammed the door open, causing it to hit the wall hard.

"Anna?" he whispered, a smile on his face.

"Hi." I replied, smiling as he got up from his bed and walked over to me. 

I felt his arms wrap around me as we hugged, my arms going around his waist in return. I breathed in his cologne, not being able to smell it for a while reminded me of how good he actually smelled.

"I missed you so much. Two weeks ago, all I wanted to do was this: hug you." he said, keeping his arms around me.

"Me too, Cam, me too." I agreed.

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