Chapter 17. Winter Formal

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A/N: I'm sorry for not posting earlier! I've had writers block and I couldn't think of anything to write. Sorry if you were waiting and stuff for this, haha. But here it is: chapter 17.

One month, six days until Cameron comes home.

I tapped my foot under the table at a rapid pace as I waited to get out of class. Bella and I were going to go shopping after school today for our Winter Formal dresses. Basically, a Winter Formal is like Prom, but in the winter. 

The theme is all snowy and the band performs Christmas music instead of normal stuff that you would usually hear. The bell rang, making me stop tapping my foot.

"Bella!" I called, rushing over to her. She looked up from packing her bag and smiled at me.

"Hey, Anna. Ready to get our shopping on?" she joked, zipping her backpack up and slinging it onto her right shoulder. I laughed and nodded.

"Let's do it." I said as we linked arms. We headed out of the classroom and down the hall to the front doors.

"So, who's taking you to the formal? Is Cameron making a surprise stop here in Los Angeles?" Bella asked.

"No, he's staying on tour the whole way through. Which also means that he'll miss Christmas here." I sighed, pushing open a glass door.

"Have you told him about making Juilliard yet?" she asked, changing the subject. I stopped at the top of the concrete stairs that led down to the parking lot and looked at her.

"No. I keep forgetting every single time I talk to him. Also, I still have to tell my parents. At this point, you're the only one who knows. I'd like to keep it that way until I've told everyone." I told her as we trotted down the steps.

"Anna, you have to tell him. And your parents. If you don't, when the time comes, you're just gonna have all this stuff packed up and you're gonna surprise everyone by saying that you're going to New York. Plus, your parents still have to pay for your tuition and everything." Bella listed as we made our way to her car.

"Bella, that's a lot of pressure that you just listed. Can we just focus on finding dresses and stuff right now?" I complained, getting into Bella's car and taking my scarf off as I did. Bella got into her car too and then looked over at me.

"Fine. We'll focus on all that stuff tomorrow, how about that?" she offered.

"That's great." I agreed.

It's three days later, the day of the Winter Formal. At the moment, I was curling my hair for the dance. I'd already done my makeup and nails for the dance, so after curling my hair and adding my hairpiece, I just had to put on my dress and shoes. 

Since Nash and Cam were still on tour, Bella and I decided that we would just go together. Lisa and everyone else were going to be there too so tonight was just going to be a friends' night.

"Anna! Anna, where are you?" my mom called.

"In my bathroom, Mom!" I called back. A few seconds later, my mom appeared in the doorway of my bathroom.

"Okay, so I have gotten all your books that you need for the courses you're taking at Juilliard, I've gotten your music you'll be performing and stuff. Is there anything else I need to do?" she asked.

"Yeah, I need about two more suitcases. Then, I'll have a total of two." I said, looking at her reflection.

"You don't have any suitcases?" my mom asked, surprised.

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