Chapter 6. Lunchtime

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A few hours later, it was time for lunch. I, unfortunately, forgot to pack my lunch so I had to go in the lunch line. I got my tray and had it filled with a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, fries, and strawberries. Along with a chocolate milkshake. I walked to where some of my friends were and sat down next to Hudson. 

"Hey, babe." he said, kissing me cheek.

"Hey." I replied, putting my backpack on the back of my chair. I was sitting across from Bella and my other good friend, Lisa. She had blonde, shoulder-length hair and light brown eyes, with fair skin. She was pretty, but she hasn't really dated anybody for some reason. 

"So, how was first period?" Lisa asked, taking a sandwich out of her paper bag as she wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed and looked over at Hudson, who clenched his jaw. I looked at him for a few seconds before turning to Lisa again. 

"It was fine." I replied, earning a look from Bella. 

"Fine? You sat next to Cameron fricking Dallas!" she exclaimed. I laughed at her and shook my head as I took a sip from my milkshake. "Speak of the devil." Bella pointed towards the entrance of the cafeteria and I followed her point. 

Cameron had just walked in and the whole cafeteria fell quiet. I watched as he stopped walking and smiled a little at me. I smiled back and waved him over to our table. He glanced over at Hudson and started coming towards our table. 

I stood and pulled an empty chair from a different table and put it next to me. The cafe started buzzing again as Cameron made it to our table and glanced around. 

"Thanks." he said to me as he sat in the chair. 

"No problem." I replied, taking a fry and dipping it in my milkshake. 

"Anna!" I heard my friend, Jack (no, not Gilinsky or Johnson) exclaim from next to Hudson. 

I shrugged as I put the fry in my mouth and smiled, earning some 'gross' or 'Anna, what the heck?' or something else like that. Cameron reached over and stole a fry, then dipped it in my milkshake. I was about to protest, but he put it in his mouth and creased his eyebrows together.

"Not bad." he said, nodding a little. I smiled and looked over at Bella, who looked like she could faint at any moment. 

I laughed and leaned back in my chair, picking up my sandwich as I did. As I was about to take a bite, Cameron snatched it out of my hands and took a bite. 

"Cameron!" I exclaimed as he smiled and chewed. 

"Oops." he mumbled with his mouthful. I laughed and shook my head, then took a bite of the sandwich.

"Awe, cute couple moment!" Lisa exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, laughing. Hudson moved his right arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I looked over at him. 

"Hudson, what's wrong?" I asked quietly. 

He shook his head and tightened his grip on me. I stiffened and glanced at Bella, who was talking with Cameron. He laughed, throwing his head back a little. I tilted my head and smiled. My head was turned by a hand and next thing I know, I'm kissing Hudson. I creased my eyebrows together and tried to push off of him, but he wouldn't let me. 

"Hudson, stop." I mumbled in between kisses. He let out a breath and suddenly stood up, pushing his chair into the one behind him. "Hudson," I started. He picked his backpack up and stormed out of the cafeteria. I sighed and turned to face my friends again.

"Is he okay?" Jack asked. I nodded, still thinking why he did that. 

"I'm gonna go see where he is." I said, standing and getting my bag. 

"I'll come with you." Cameron offered, starting to stand. I shook my head and slung my backpack on my right shoulder.

"No, it's fine, Cameron. You can eat the rest of my food." I offered, smiling at him. I stepped towards the table and got my milkshake. "But not this." I added, taking a sip and laughing. 

"But that's the best part!" Cam exclaimed. 

I laughed and headed out of the cafeteria, waving bye to my friends over my shoulder. I walked out of the cafe and looked around, trying to find Hudson. I went to the left and looked around some more. 

I  turned to my right, where a trash can was, to throw away my milkshake and saw Hudson pressing some other girl against a wall. And they were making out. I dropped the cup and sucked in a breath. Hudson and the girl stopped and turned towards me. 

"Anna." Hudson started. I shook my head, my vision getting blurry with tears. I went back the way I came and wiped the tears that started falling down my face. "Anna!" I tried to block him out, but he caught up with me and pinned me against the wall. 

"Let me go." I said, trying to get out of his grip. 

"No. Please listen to me." he pleaded. I shook my head, tears still falling down my cheeks. 

"Why, Hudson? Why?" I asked, my voice getting choked up. 

"You didn't want to, so..." he trailed off. I creased my eyebrows together.

"You mean to tell me that because I didn't want to make out with you, you cheated on me with that... that... slut?" I snapped. 

"She's not a slut. And I was just angry. Please forgive me." Hudson tried. I shook my head and pulled my hands out of his grip. I pushed him away from me and got my backpack that had fallen on my floor. 

"Get away from me." I said as Hudson called my name. I was jerked back by a firm grip and saw Hudson looking at me with an angry look in his eyes. "Hudson, let me go." I tried to twist my wrist out of his hand. 

"No. Not until you start dating me again." he said.

"What?" I exclaimed. The tears had stopped coming now. Hudson tightened his grip on me. "Hudson, you're hurting me." 

"Shut up." he growled. I tried to hit him with my other hand, but he caught that one. 

"Hudson, please." I begged, tears coming back. "Ow!" 

"Hey! Get your hands off of her!" I heard a voice yell. I turned my head and saw Cameron running towards us.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" Hudson snapped. I whimpered as Cameron slowed his pace as he came closer, and balled his hand up into a fist. 

"You don't want to find out." Cameron replied. Hudson looked between us for a few seconds, then let me go. He walked away, and I collapsed on the floor, bursting out into sobs. Cameron sat down on the ground behind me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Shh, shh. It's okay." he whispered, pulling me into him. I hiccuped as more tears came down and I leaned my head into his chest, breathing in his cologne. 

"C-Cam-mer-o-on." I stammered. 

"Hey, shh. Don't speak. Just, try and calm down." he said soothingly, rubbing circles on my back with his hand. 

We stayed like that until I heard the tardy bell rang. By then, I was feeling a little better. Luckily, Cameron had the same class as me so he walked with his arms around me all the way to the class. I don't even remember what the teacher had taught. 

All I could think about was how terrible my first day as a senior was. 

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