Chapter 16. Jealousy

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Only one month and sixteen days until Cameron comes back. At the moment I was in my fifth period class, listening to my boring teacher drone on and on about how to write the 'perfect expository essay'. Like those even exist.

"Ms. Booths, would you care to join in to our conversation?" I heard my teacher ask. I lifted my head up out of my cupped hand and raised my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"That's what I thought. Fifteen minutes after school, Ms. Booths." Mr. Forweller said as he turned back to the board.

"Are you serious?" I asked, louder than I meant to.

"Do you want to make it thirty minutes?" Mr. Forweller asked, turning back to me.

"No." I mumbled.

"Okay then." he said.

The rest of my school day seemed like it went on forever. Every single day I come here, I always get excited because I think I'll see Cameron in my classes. 

But then I have to remember he left for his tour and I'm stuck here with just my friends. I shrugged my backpack onto my shoulders and made my way back to Mr. Forweller's class for my fifteen minutes.

"Mr. Grier, thank you for coming into tutorials. It's going to be a big help for you." I heard Mr. Forweller's voice say. I stopped an inch beside his door. 

Grier? I peered my head around the corner, hoping to see Nash, but I saw a boy around Aiden's age standing in front of Mr. Forweller's desk.

"Excuse me, Mr. Forweller. I'm here for my fifteen minutes." I said, stepping into his classroom. Mr. Forweller looked away from the kid and looked at me.

"Ah, hello Ms. Booths. I wanted to introduce you to one of my freshmen students, Hayes Grier. I was hoping you could spend the fifteen minutes catching him up on some things." Mr. Forweller said, shuffling some papers on his desk. Mr. Forweller was one of those teachers who taught freshmen and seniors for English.

"Um, sure." I said, putting my backpack down on one of the front desks.

Hayes turned around and made eye contact with me, looking down because of how short I was. Wow, I was shorter than a freaking freshmen. I creased my eyebrows together as I looked into his eyes. Where have I seen those eyes before?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hayes asked, sitting down at the desk next to where I'd put my backpack.

"You're Nash's brother, right?" I asked, sitting down as well.

"Yeah. You're Cam's girlfriend, right?" he asked. I blushed and looked away.

"No. We're not on those kinds of terms yet." I admitted, looking back at him.

"Nash has told me so much about you and Cameron. It's kind of annoying. Almost as annoying as how much he talks about Bella." Hayes said, leaning his head onto his hand. I laughed, crossing my legs.

"Bella talks a lot about him too." I giggled. Mr. Forweller had left the room before we started talking, so we talked pretty much about anything.

"So how come you're back here while the rest of the guys are still on tour?" I asked.

"Nash was getting tired of me always hanging around with them, and my mom also wanted me to go back to school for a little while." Hayes explained. I nodded my head.

"Do you know if any of the other guys are coming back too?" I asked hopefully. Hayes smirked at me.

"What, so you can see Cameron again?" he teased.

"No." I lied, smiling a little.

"Awe, Anna's in love with Cameron. Anna's in love with Cameron!" Hayes sang teasingly.

"No I'm not!" I protested.

"Sure you aren't." he said, nodding his head.

"Okay, Anna. Your fifteen minutes is up." Mr. Forweller announced, coming back into the room.

"Thank goodness." I breathed, standing up and getting my stuff together.

"I'm going to pretend I'm not offended by that." Hayes said, standing and placing a hand over his heart. I laughed and pulled my brown hair to the left side of my head.

"Tell Nash I said hi, okay?" I asked Hayes as I walked out of Mr. Forweller's room.

"Sure." he replied. 

I walked towards the entrance of the school, pulling my phone out of my back pocket as I did. I clicked it on and went to Instagram to check and see if Cameron had posted anything yet. Pushing the glass door open, his page loaded and I stopped in my tracks. 

The first picture on his page was him leaning in to a girl, looking like he was about to kiss her. I clenched my jaw and then let out a breath. It was probably nothing, right? He's posed like this with other fans too so why should it be bothering me? 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing, this time with Cameron's song playing.

"Hello?" I asked as I walked to my car.

"Hey, Anna. What's up?" I heard Cameron ask on the other end.

"Nothing much. Just got out of school." I said, reaching my car.

"What'd you do? Get detention or something?" Cameron teased.

"Maybe...maybe not." I teased back, getting into my car as I did.

"Ooh, Anna's a bad girl now." Cameron said. I heated up and started my car.

"No I'm not. And don't talk like that." I said, a little more snappy than I meant to.

"Are you really okay?" Cameron asked, more serious.

"No I'm not. I'm not used to seeing you almost kiss a fan who is taller than me, probably prettier than me, and then also seeing it on your Instagram page. I'm just not used to that." I said, all in one breath. There was silence on the other end. "Cam, are you there?"

"What did you say? Sorry, I had to go talk to Bart for a few seconds." Cameron said a few seconds later. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing. I didn't say anything." I breathed, putting my elbow on my car door.

"Anna, what is it?"

"Cameron, it's nothing. Look, I got to go. Talk to you later." I said. 

Before he could say anything, I hung up and clicked my phone off and threw it onto the passengers seat.

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