Chapter 1

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Kristina's pov


"Ugh, That damn alarm clock! She ALWAYS forgets to turn it off!" I grab my cell phone off the desk beside the couch that I sleep on. 

'Mae, you are my best friend in the entire universe, but if you forget to turn the alarm clock off ONE MORE TIME. I will sneak in your bedroom at night and smother you while you're sleeping.'  I hit send as I stand up and stretch out my arms.

As I walk to the kitchen table there is a To Do list with my name written in big bold letters. 

1.) Laundry Mat 2.) Post Office 3.) Pick up meds 4.) Take Necklace to be repaired 5.) Get pizza for later

'Ehh, it wouldn't kill me do this for her considering she lets me live here, and the weather is perfect. Not too cold, not too hot.' I thought to myself. I quickly ran upstairs, grabbed some clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After rushing to get my pj's off I step under the cold running water. It sure wakes me up and it feels amazing. I close my eyes and let the water run down my hair and face, but I have the strangest feeling I'm not alone. I open the glass shower door and peek my head out. "Mae? Is that you?" I hear no reply. "Come on, this isn't funny." I laugh under my breathe.I choose to ignore my thoughts, and go back to the peaceful water. 

I reached for the nob to turn off the water, but as I did I felt someone's hand. My eyes fling open, and I gasp. Of course, No one is there. My breathing is heavy and fast. I tell myself it was just my imagination, I'm still half asleep. I slam the nob downward turning off the water, and stepped out of the shower. I finish getting dressed, dry my hair, brush my teeth, etc. 

Tying up my shoes, I start naming off the stuff I need before I leave the house. "Ok, I have my pocketbook ,cell phone, the list, money. What am I forgetting?... Oh, My keys duh." I run to the kitchen and open the drawer that we keep all the sets of keys in. I grab my set, but the spare set is missing. I don't think too much about it, shut the drawer, grab everything, and head out the door.  

We live in a somewhat busy town. The roads are never empty, and the sidewalks always have people walking on them. As I start walking down the sidewalk I look at my watch. "Are you serious? It's already 3 o'clock. Man, I probably won't get home till dark. Oh well." I text Mae, and tell her it will probably be dark when I get back, and slide my phone back in my pocket. 

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