Chapter 3

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He pulled out a long black rope from inside his cloak. His eyes, as crazy as this seems, were glowing red! I dropped the stuff, I had in my hands, on the ground and ran full speed the other way. I turned around a building and hid behind the corner of it. I caught my breath trying to breathe steadily. I peeked around the corner to see if he was following me. No one was there. No where, my heart started slowing down. I thought maybe he just got back in his car. Maybe he was just trying to scare me.

Then I felt an arm come around my waist, and another hand came over my mouth. I started kicking, thrashing, and trying to scream. He lifted me up over his shoulder, and walked over to his car. He acted like I was as light as a freaking feather. I kept hitting him in his back, but he didn't seem affected. He opened the back door of the car, laid me down in the back seat, and tied my hands and feet together with the rope. Then he pulled out torn cloth, and tape. "Please, Stop. Why are you doing this?"I asked. He ignored me and wrapped the cloth around my eyes as a blind fold, and put the tape over my mouth.

He slammed the door shut, and walked to the drivers seat, I'm assuming, because the car started going really fast, and I was so scared. It seemed like hours before the car stopped. I heard his door open, and heard the footsteps to the back door. It sounded like there was gravel, like rocks, or something. He slung the door open. I tried to scoot back away from his as far as possible. I felt him crawl in the seat with me. His hands went behind my head and he untied the cloth around my eyes.

"I'll take the tape off your mouth if you promise to not scream, not like it would really make a difference cause no one can hear you, but I prefer my eardrums NOT to be busted. Got it?" He said. I nodded my head slowly, looking at him with tears in my eyes. He reached for the tape, and pulled it off with a quick jerk. (Who ever said that it hurt less if you did it quickly was lying).

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you and called you an asshole it has just been a long day for me, but did you really have to kidnap me for it?" I said

"Babe, It wouldn't matter if you did or not." He replied

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out soon enough, but First things first. Give me your phone."

"I don't have one." I lied. He made a annoyed facial expression, then looked a little angry.

"Listen, I won't hurt you if you listen, but if you get on my bad side I can't promise you won't get hurt. WHERE IS YOUR PHONE?"

"It's in my back pocket. Untie me and I can give it to you."

"No need." He backed up out of the car, and pulled me up with him. I was standing so close that my lips were actually close to touching his. He reached around and felt my back pockets to grab my phone. "HEY, WATCH IT!" I yelled. He looked at me with those red, glowing eyes again. "What did I say about yelling?" He huffed.

"Maybe if you would keep your hands to yourself I wouldn't have to yell. Did ya ever think of that smart one?" I argued.

He closes his eyes, and smiles. His teeth scared the hell out of me. They were razor sharp. He started to chuckle. He knew that it scared me. His arms were still wrapped around me, and I kind of jumped back a little. He ran his right hand through my hair as his other arm was still wrapped around me. His nails were almost as sharp as his teeth. He pulled my face to his, and kissed me slowly. I didn't know how to react, so I bit his lip (which probably wasn't the best option at the moment). I tasted a really salty taste in my mouth. I looked at him, and his lip was bleeding. He was very pissed off now.

I backed up against the door of the car. He started coming closer to me. "Wait, Please. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to actually make you bleed. I just freaked out." I pleaded.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT 'YOU MEANT TO DO'. He growled as he grabbed my throat with his hand. I could feel his nails start to cut into my skin. I screamed in pain, but it just came out as a low hiss. It was getting so hard to breathe, until finally he let go, and I fell to the ground. He picked me up 'bridal style' and carried me somewhere.

I passed out in his arms.

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