Chapter 10

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"I just got off the phone with your friend, Mae, and I was wrong. It WOULD have been better for you to call her instead of me..." Nathan said with his eyes staring wide.

"Why.. What did she say?"

"Well, let's just say she wasn't very happy... uhm she called me a few selected names, and by the way she has a VERY LARGE vocabulary."

"That's Mae for ya. But what did you expect. I'm her best friend, we've been inseparable since jr. high, of course she's going to be very pissed off at someone who kidnapped me."

"Yea, Yea I get that. Anyway, point is I talked to her about it, tried to explain as much as I could over the phone, and she is packing right this moment. You will stay here and hang with Jesse while I drive to pick her up at her place."

"Why do I have to stay here? Can't I go with you?"

"It would be safer for you and Mae if you stay here. You have to remember the Vamps are looking for you too, and if they find you outside of the wolf territory they can try to take you. That also means that Mae could be hurt in the process."

"Oh, I guess you have a good point then, but what am I supposed to do with Jesse. We just met... I don't know what he likes to do for fun or talk about."

"He's willing to do anything as long as it's with someone. He can't stand being alone that much... like at all." Nathan responded. He grabbed his keys and slipped on a shirt and some shoes. "I'll be back very soon with Mae."

"Ok, try not to let her beat you too badly." I said

"What?" He asked as he was walking out the door.

"Oh, nothing..." I laughed 


I sat down on the couch after I cleaned up the dishes really fast. Nathan had been gone only 5 to 7 minutes so I didn't expect him back for at least 20. "What to do? What to do?" I asked myself. I grabbed the remote on the ottoman, and flipped through the channels on tv. 

"Wow, This place really gets good TV reception in these kinds of woods." I said

"What'cha watching?" Jesse said as he slips into the living room.

"Not sure yet. What's your suggestion?" 

"Well, If you like horror movies we have..."

"YES!!!!! WHERE ARE THEY!?" I jumped up off the couch, excited.

"Uhm...Ok then...they are under here with all the other movies." He lifted up the top of the ottoman and too my surprise there was many, many movies.

"You really like horror, don't you?" Jesse asked

"It's been my favorite ever since I was little. Do you have any Nightmare on Elm Street, or Freddy vs. Jason???"

"Uhm, actually I think we do have Freddy vs. Jason."

"OMG, Really?? That's my FAVORITE!"

"Ok, ok. Calm down, see I got it." Jesse holds up the movie in his hand. He walks over to the TV and places the disc in the tray, then returns back to the couch to sit.

When the main menu comes on the screen I rush to grab the remote and press play. 

"Wow, You that excited?" Jesse asked

"Of Course! Haven't you ever seen this movie? It's perfect." I told him

"Whatever you say." He turns his head to watch the movie.

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