Chapter 5

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It was a few hours after I had the conversation with Nathan. I didn't want to hear him, see him, and frankly I didn't want to have anything to do with him. He didn't untie my hand before he left the room, and he hasn't been back. "Good!" I thought to myself. "I hope he doesn't come back". But I couldn't lie to myself. I really did have to pee. My bladder was about to burst. I crossed my legs tightly, and tried to think about other things, like thinking how would I get back home, is Mae off of work, is she worried,... WHERES MY PHONE? I cried thinking that I was never going to see my best friend again. 

My mind went to flashbacks of me and Mae. It was a long time ago in 7th grade when I first met Mae. I thought she was a bitch at first, but then we started making a lot of jokes, and I ended up sleeping over at her house almost every weekend. We became inseparable best friends ever since. We've done everything together. I remember when I turned 16 (two years ago, I am now 18) I moved out of the house where my family lived, and I moved into Mae's condo with her. My family never really understood me anyway. I would tell them about me hearing things, and they would say "Oh, it's just cause you watch those stupid horror movies, and ghost shows." They never had any interest in anything I said or did. 

My mind snapped back to reality. Remembering where I was, I started to squirm around on the bed. I jerked, and yanked on the rope tied to the bed trying to free my hand. I wanted out of this place. I wanted away from him. The more I tugged, the more I could feel the rope loosen just a little at a time. The rope felt like it was scratching up my wrist, so I stopped tugging for a moment. As I was trying to calm down the door creaked open. Nathan walked into the room with a switchblade in his hand. He leaned over me on the bed. I flinched as he pointed the knife to me, but let out a long breath when I realized he was just cutting the rope. 

"You're gonna cut your wrist fighting against this rope." He said bluntly. "look it's already bleeding" He pulled my wrist slowly toward his mouth. 

"What are you doing?" I whined trying to pull back. He jerked my hand harder, and closer to his mouth. He opened his mouth slightly and licked the blood from my wrist. I was so shocked I was frozen. "WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT?!" I asked. "What are you? Some kind of vampire?" 

"Don't you dare mock me! I am not one of those pasty, winged, life-less corpses." He yelled as he grabbed my other wrist too and pulled me toward his body. 

"Ok, sorry I was just kidding. Jeez." I pretended not to be freaked out, but he looked in my eyes and could see that I was afraid. He released tension on my wrists, but still held onto me. 

"You really can't tell what I am, can you?" He suggested. "Am I supposed to?" I questioned. 

"No, not yet. You will though, Soon enough." He said. His expression told me that he was a tad bit confused. 

"Can I have my hands back now?" I asked. He looked at me and grinned. 'Hey. He's cute. WAIT.. WHAT? What are you thinking Kristina? STOP IT. HE KIDNAPPED YOU.' 

"Yea, You can have them back... if you give me something."

"Uhm.. w-what do you want?" I stuttered a little.

"Oh not much, just another kiss is all." He said

"Nah, that's alright. You can just keep my hands, I don't need them that bad." I rolled my eyes.

"Damn it, get over here." He said as he pulled me into his body. His hand went around the back of my head holding me there. I closed my eyes as his lips collided with mine. I wanted to push him away, a part of me was telling me to pull away from him, but my arms didn't listen. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he slid his other hand down to my hip. My heart was beating extremely fast. 

"Calm down. I ain't gonna hurt ya." He said smiling. How could he hear my heart pounding? What is he? 


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