Chapter 14

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***At the vampires territory***

I woke up in serious pain. I'm not sure if it was because it was near turning time or because the vampires weren't very gentle at throwing me around. I was strapped into a cold stone chair with chains attached to my wrists and ankles. There is two vamps guarding the door from inside the room. I can't see their faces because their backs are turned to me. I can hear a faint sound of voices coming from outside the room, but couldn't make out what they were saying. The doors open when the voices stop.

"Well, Look who decided to wake up." A tall thin man walks up to me, and lowers his face to mine. "Aw, don't give me that look. I had to bring you here my pet. How else would you become the Queen of the Vampyres, if I didn't bring you."

"I don't want to be your stupid Queen. Let me go or so help me I will..."


His hand struck me hard across my face. I flenched as I could feel the sting linger for a few minutes. My head started shaking, uncontrollably.

"Don't ever talk to me in that tone, Woman. I WILL strike you down if you get out of line." He yelled. I didn't have the courage to respond. I just gave him a go-to-hell look. I was scared but I was trying not to let him see that.

"Looks like your fleabag didn't do a good job of protecting you huh?" He snickered like it was actually funny.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me asshole!" I snap back. He snaps his fingers and two men that walked in the room with him hovered over me. I looked up at them both, they looked mean as hell. Then, one of them scratched both of my arms with his nails. I could feel the blood running down my arms. The other man took his nails and scratched up my calves. Tears started dripping from my eyes, as I tried to hold in my screams. They kept at it till almost every part of my body was bleeding. 

"ENOUGH!" said another person from behind them. It was one of the guards. He was walking toward us. 

One of the men that was beating me walked toward him and got right in his face. "Who the hell do you think you are? To tell us that we've beat her enough, Blaine." 

The guard's name was Blaine. 

Blaine ignores the man and walks straight toward me. He squats down and looks at my face, which was drenched with blood. He then stands and walks toward the man that I assume was the King. 

"With all do respect Sir, this woman still is a mortal, and if you beat her bad enough she could die." Blaine spoke.

The 'King' took a look at me and turned toward the door as he waved the other two men that were beating me to walk with him. He flung the door shut but not before taking the other guard (that wasn't Blaine) with him.

"Thank you." I managed to get out.

"I'm so very sorry. Here let me help you." He reached his hand and placed them both on my arms. The wounds started to heal and the blood disappeared. He did the same to my legs, stomach, and face.

"How.. How did you do that?" I asked, feeling as good as new.

"I'm not only a vamp, I'm also part warlock, which I guess you could say is a male witch." 

"Oh, but why did you help me?"

  "I couldn't stand to see them doing that to you anymore. I'm not like them, or any other vamp for that matter. I just look like them. My mother was the witch and my father was the vampire. I guess I took after my mother more."

"And I am very thankful that you did. Could you tell me what time it is?" I asked. He looked down at his wrist watch. 

"It's 12 in the afternoon."

"How.. It was already past that when they brought me here."

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but that was yesterday." Blaine replied.

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