Chapter 12

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"Are you ready to go back in there?" I asked her

"Sure, Why not.. I guess." Mae replied. I stood up off the bed, and walked to the hallway with her. A few hours have passed since we went to her room. We talked a bit more about everything that was happening, and how odd and unbelievable it was. It felt like Reality hit me in the face...with a chair. The full moon was only a day away after this day ended. 

"Dude, The full moon is tomorrow night... I will turn when it turns midnight tomorrow." I say

"You're freaked out, aren't you?" Mae asked.

"Yea, more than anything.. but wouldn't you be too. I mean until a few days ago I didn't know these things existed." 

"I know, until about a few hours ago I didn't know they did. I'm still not even sure is I want to believe this isn't a bad dream." She said.

We continued to walk and turned to a more fun topic to get our minds off of the subject. We stepped into the living room and the guys were still sitting on the couch where we left them. I guess they were talking the whole time too. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside Nathan. Mae wouldn't come sit down on her own so I motioned for her to come sit beside me. She did.

"Ok, So here's how I look at it. We can all sit here and worry about what's going to happen, or we could stop wallowing in pity and watch a great horror movie. Your choice." I say

They look at each other and shrug their shoulders. "Movie, it is." Jesse said

"Yay!" I exclaimed

I restarted the movie from the beginning, but of course it wasn't very far anyway. I laid back against the couch, and I felt Nathans arm behind my head. I didn't move. I just kept my head there. 


The movie was on the last scene with Freddy and Jason going head to head fighting. Then my teeth started aching really painfully. I sat up slowly and held my mouth with my hand. 

"What the matter?" Nathan asked concerned.

"It's my teeth, They hurt really bad."  

"Let me look." He said. I opened my mouth a little bit so he could see. 

"Oh, Shit. It's your K-9's. They have started to form a little." He said.

"What? What does that mean??" I asked, as I was standing up. 

"Don't freak out, You're not turning yet, exactly. It's just the pre-phase. Just relax, sit back down and we'll figure something out after the movie."

"Alright.. I guess." I said and sat back down.

"Hey guys it looks like a storm is rolling in, and it's gonna be a big one too." Jesse said

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