Chapter 9

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We sat down beside each other at the bar/counter. I tried to eat slowly, but I am VERY addicted to bacon... 'It's like a serious problem...Seriously, I might need professional help.' I thought to myself.

"Whatcha thinkin about over there?" Nathan said waving a hand in front of my eyes. 

"Oh, sorry. Haha nothing really just about how much I enjoy bacon." 

"Uhm, ok then I guess that's cool... anyway we can call Mae today. After we get done eating, I'll call her." He said

"Oh, Can I do it? Like, Can I be the one to call her?"

"That's not really a good idea... She will bombard you with a shit ton of questions, but with me on the phone she won't know what to do."

"Oh.. Ok. I Guess" I said, and that was the last of our conversation for a few minutes.

"I know you probably don't want me asking these questions." I say. "But I gotta know... How did you become a werewolf? Like was it a curse or something? Or is it natural?"

"I was born a werewolf, and the whole curse thing, well that's just a fairy tale."

"Well, until now, I thought werewolves in general were fairy tales, so you can't really pull that card on me. What about other wolves though? Is there more of you?"

"Well, there is yes, but I have only found one other werewolf. Actually he lives here too. His name is Jesse. He lives in the other part of the building, we've been friends for a while now." He said.

"And, how, exactly did you forget to mention this fact to me?" I respond.

"I really have no idea how on Earth it slipped my mind. Oops." 

"Ok, I know I have been asking quite a few questions but I kind of have a really important one."

"Go ahead. haha You're gonna ask whether I'm annoyed or not.. which by the way I'm not."

"Ok, so I kinda had a weird dream last night, it was a little scary but I was wondering... do vampires exist too?"I asked slowly. Nathan didn't respond. He opened his mouth like he was going to but no words came out. 

"Yes, Those little bastards exist!" Another voice said coming from the hall. I jerked my head around quickly. His voice kind of spooked me a little.

"Well, you just met Jesse." Nathan respond rolling his eyes. 

Jesse walked to the table, and sat down with us. 

"Would you like some food? We have plenty left." I said, offering him a plate.

"Oh, that's fine, but thank you. I just prefer to eat my meat still kicking." He said grinning, as I looked at him with a shocked expression. "So, Nathan. This is the little gal that's gonna turn..."

Nathan jumped up from his seat and snarled at Jesse. Jesse mouthed something, but I couldn't tell what it was. I've never been one to read lips. Nathan then sat back down, and relaxed to his normal position. 

"Uhm.. What was that about?" I ask

"Nothing!" Both of them replied. 

"Oh now that's some BS.. TELL ME! I swear I will nag you both until the end of eternity, so help me!" I look at both of them. 

"Man, just tell her and get it over with. She's already here, what does it matter?" Jesse questioned.

"It will stress her out, and that's the last thing we need right now." Nathan responded

"I will be fine. I promise." I whined 

"Yea man. She's good, just tell her." Jesse said 

"You're really not helping the situation at all, man." Nathan added. "You know what fine I'll tell you. Ok, so have you ever noticed something different about you? Like, Medically? As in your blood specifically."

"I don't really know."

"Well you have completely different blood than anyone in the entire world. Your blood has the power to change you into a werewolf, or as Jesse said exists, a vampire. The Blood Moon is what will officially turn you into one of us, or a vamp. The Blood Moon comes in about 3 days actually. This is why I kidnapped you and brought you here. You turn into whatever being you are with. If you are with me when the Blood Moon comes you will turn into one of us, but if you were with the vampires you would become one of them. That's also another reason I brought you here, because vampires aren't allowed in a werewolf's home, well except for one specific vampire, and that's the ruler of the blood suckers."

"Wait, hold on. What if I don't want to turn into either one?! I want to stay a human. Oh.. this can't be happening." I say as I stand and pace back and forth. "This isn't happening, It's just a dream, I can't turn into a wolf, or vampire. This is fake. It's just a dream. WAKE UP!" 

"Hey" Nathan stands up and holds me. "It's gonna be okay, I'm here. I will be here with you when you change. I can help you. It won't hurt, I promise. I can stop it from hurting."

"STOP IT FROM HAPPENING! Please, I can't do this."

"I can't do that. Whether you want to or not, or gonna have to change into one, and for your sake it needs to be a werewolf." He says, as I start to calm my breathing. Somehow him saying he would be with me through it all made it easier. 

"But what or why shouldn't I become a vampire?"

"I've got three good reasons, but I can name off a lot more. 
1. They are blood sucking freaks who care nothing of the human race.
2. They don't know when to stop drinking so much fucking blood.
And 3, if you turn into one of them... I can't be with you. I would have nothing if I didn't have you."

I stood there quietly unable to say a word after what he just told me. I jumped up and hugged him tightly. 

"I know I'll be safe, as long as you're with me. Wolf or not, I want to be with you too." I said

He hugged me tighter after I said that. 

Jesse had something to input. "Okay, this is getting a little too lovey for me, so I'll see you guys later." 

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