Chapter 11

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About 15 minutes later Nathan and Mae show up. 

"Kristina!" Mae says worried.

"I'm ok. Really, You don't have to be worried." I say

"Oh no, you just got kidnapped, and I haven't heard from you since you left the house. What the hell am I supposed to think? Who are these people? Where are we? Why on Earth are we here?"

"Nathan, I thought you explained all this to her." I asked

"Oh, he did all the talking I could handle." Mae said

"Yea, She freakin decked me in the face." Nathan said holding his jaw

"Oh.. sorry. Mae?" I look at her questioningly 

 "He freakin deserved it. He kidnapped you!"

"Ok, I understand that part,  but will you let us explain why? It will answer some of your questions."

"Fine cause I really need some answers here." Mae replied

"You might wanna sit down." I lead her to the couch and sit beside her.

We all start the discussing the whole incident. We tell her why I had to be brought here, about the werewolves and vampires, about me turning, the whole shebang. I introduced her to Jesse and she actually didn't punch him in the face. She calmed down a lot after the conversation was finished and all her questions were answered, give or take a couple. I explained to her that we needed to stay here for a while just until it died down a little. She seemed ok with it, but I knew that she wouldn't want to stay away from her place more than necessary. 

"We have an extra bedroom for you to stay in. It has a TV, and a bathroom connected to it. It will be the most comfortable of the rest of them." Nathan said

"Okay, but I'm still a little pissed off with you." Mae responded

"And you have every right to be. But I assure you that no harm will come to Kristina or you while you girls are here."

"I'll come with you to unpack Mae." I said

She grabbed her bags and me and her walked to where her room was. I sat on the bed while she put her stuff where she wanted it. We chatted and even though we already explained to her what was going on she still had questions and I didn't mind only that I couldn't answer a lot of them. 

"You know, Nathan isn't a bad guy. It's just that sometimes his wolf gets too out of control. He's actually very gentle, and kind." I say to her

"I want to believe you, and I do for the most part, he does seem like an Okay kind of guy. It's just that he kidnapped my best friend and it kind of gets to me you know."

"Yea, I know. But please give him a chance. He could have gotten me to come here a better way, but it was just the heat of the moment."

"I will give him a chance. So whats up with that Jesse guy."

"What do you mean?"

 "Well, is he like a werewolf or whatever."

"Oh, yea. He is. He's never acted wolfy around me though, so I assume he's better at controlling it."

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