Chapter 18

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"Here. You wrap yourself in the blanket and I'll just change into my wolf  to go inside." He said to me

"Huh?" I look down at myself. "OH, right... duh." I can't believe I forgot that I wasn't wearing clothes.

Before we get up he reaches his hand to my face and pulls me to kiss him. Everything feels so... right!

He gives me a smile, and oh how I love his smile. Then he helps me up off the ground. As I stand up and stretch the blanket around me, something shimmers in my eye. I look down to find Blaine's watch. I remember dropping it there when we got here. 

"Nathan. We have something to do when we get dressed, and quickly." I say, and He follows my command, his wolf turns as we run inside the house to his room. 

I grab my clothes and throw them on. I honestly did not care what they looked like at all. He did the same. As he's putting the last bit of his outfit on I pull him out the door and back to the forest. 

"Kristina, Where are we going?"

"I have someone you need to meet. Before you say anything, though, he is a vampire, but hear me out, he stopped the others from beating me. He stopped the king, and actually killed him. He fought anyone in our path to get me back to you."

Nathan had stopped walking.

"Nathan, Please listen. I know he's a vamp but he saved my life. Doesn't that count for something?"

"...I guess it does." He looked at me and gave me a caring smile, then continued walking.

We reached the spot where Blaine dropped me off, but I didn't see him. I walked a bit further, but was forced back. 'Oh, the territories I forgot.' I thought to myself.

"Blaine?" I said allowed

"You came back." 

I heard his voice, and followed it. He was sitting at the bottom of the tree, but stood up and walked toward me. But, of course we would still be on opposite sides. 

"I want to thank you myself for bringing her back safely." Nathan told him.

"No problem. I felt it was my obligation." Blaine replied.

"Pardon my asking, but isn't there something different about you?"

"Actually yea.." Blaine said as he stepped over the boundary.

"Ah, you part warlock huh?" Nathan said as he walked up to Blaine and shook his hand. 

"Yea, and now I realize how much of a blessing that is." Blaine walked up to me and I gave him a hug. 

"Hey, For a thanks of bringing her back to me, how about you come over?" Nathan asked

Blaine shrugged "Sure, I guess, but I don't want to be in the way." 

"Of course not man, It's the least I could do." Nathan responded

All three of us started walking back to the house.

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