i cant believe this

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Amber's pov

* ouch ouch* the pain is unbearable, and I seem not to remember anything but I know that I had a disagreement between Dylan and Nick *ouchhhhh!!!!*. Tears begin to roll out of my eyes as I try to sit up on bed. Then all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door to my room. Who could that be I say to myself in a soft voice, I don't invite guests or did I? Maybe it's Shayla

*knock knock*

Come in ......

I did not realise your awake. Am sorry for disturbing you

No, no , no ,that voice is .... Nick??? What are u doing here, how did you get the keys to my house. OMG !!! U searched my purse fr the keys right

Kind offf

Whatttt !!! How could you I really can't believe this one minute your arguing with Dylan and now your here in my bed room . Just get out, go  go away! Never come back I say in a raging voice

But you need help, am sorry ok?

No, go away I don't need you ,you don't even know me so why are you concerned. Just get out..

You know what!!! I will. Is this how you treat the person who saved your life. You tripped and hit your head on a stone and I carried you to your house even Dylan was not there, he was inside the restaurant not caring about you. I can't believe this I will leave but just know..

Immediately I cut him off and shout "Go away "  haven't u done enough!! Just leave !
I will good bye beautiful.

I watch as he slams the door and leaves the room. Immediately I start crying cause I did not want him to see me like this

Immediately someone opens the door and its my best friend Shayla.
What's wrong Amber? You left the restaurant yesterday without telling me. Don't tell me you walked home

Wait a minute Dylan did not tell you anything . well when you were inside the restaurant I came outside with Dylan  to get some fresh air and then all of a sudden we were about to kiss when Nick the guy who I bumped into during my morning excersise came and interupted us and I pulled away from him then the both of them started arguing about who I prefer among them. It was terrible Shayla. I just had to go home .
Wow I'm sorry I should have been there for you but I wasn't.

It's not your fault Shayla. Let me continue so I ran home but I tripped on a stone and instead of falling on the ground I fell on his warm strong arms.

Wait was it Dylan's arms.

No, this one was way more special than Dylan's arms. It was Nicks arms. He took me to my house and took my key from my purse and that's I found myself here with him then I sent him out to never come near me again. *sigh*

Oh no wonder I saw him walking out of the house angrily. Well stop crying am here now. You shouldn't have sent him out like that.

I know am just confused. I feel so bad that if I could bring time back I will apologise. *a long sigh*

Just rest okay? Stop crying you don't need any of those 2 boys they are nothing okay?

Yes but I can't believe Dylan just left me like that and did not even say a thing about it to you. Why would he do that

I don't know but I'll try talking to him okay. I just need you to stop crying and be the bossy workaholic of a best friend I know.

Awww I will but I can't stop thinking of Nick , I mean how I treated him. I need to apologize

Yes you really need to and say it in a nice way. I know you

We both laugh at this as she stands up to make breakfast for me .

Hmmmmm Nick please come back I need you I say to myself in a soft voice.

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