Hidden Talents and Passions

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It's 5:00am In the morning and lets just say am awake and getting dresses to go to work. As usual am always early. I put on a blue flair dress that stops at the end of my thigh and a short silver boot.
I looked really flashy and I parked my hair in a messy knot.
When everything was set I drove down to the office to begin my day's work.

I arrived at the office and went straight to my office although I'm the owner of the company but still I've got to work in order for my company to expand.
At the doorstep of my office I see a bunch of flowers and a card addressed to me. I pick them up and enter my office. I smell the flowers and they are beautiful. They have all my favorite colors and it so much reminds me of Nicks beautiful eyes which sparkle each time he smiles. Then I opened the card which read:
No matter what I do or where I go. In the dark or
In the light I would always cherish you.
I will forever be yours.
Who could have wrote such beautiful words for me. I mean the flowers are beautiful and the words are great. Well... I think I know who it is. Immediately I pick up my phone and call Dylan.

Hello Dylan

Hey Ambi

Thanks for the flowers and cards you sent me. They are beautiful even the card

What flower and what card?

So you did not send it to me or are you trying to pull my legs?

I... Uhmmmm... Yes I sent you those flowers and cards right?

Yes.. But you sound weird anyway thank you. I do love them very much. Bye

Bye my Ambi.

That was strange, how am I sure he sent them but who else could it be anyway I love them but I am still not sure Dylan sent them.

It's has been a long day and I guess I need to go home and rest after the days work. I really want to know who sent those flowers. Oh well ! I'm Hungry and I definitely can hear my stomach growl. Time to go and eat some food at my regular top class Chinese restaurant.
It's a one and half hour drive from the office to the restaurant. But I'm willing to go there. It's been a long while

Time skip....

Wow!! This place hasn't changed a bit. It's still as beautiful as it used to be since I was young.
I walk into the restaurant and take a sit by the window, it has a beautiful view whick I love so much. A waiter comes towards me to take my order.
I would like some sea food and a cocktail please...

Yes Madam Zuellow it will be brought to you shortly

Thank you.

In a few minutes my food arrives and I quickly eat it all up. It's yummy!!!!!

I go straight to a room that was hidden deep inside the restaurant which my dad had showed me when he was alive . It was because my dad and the owner were very good friends so the restaurant wasn't a new place to me. It held so many good memories.

When I opened the door to that room. I quickly went straight to the piano and sat down and began to play it. My dad taught me how to play years ago the memories were so great. He sat beside me and played alongside me.

I placed my hands on the keys and started to play. It felt good because I hid this talent from everyone including Shayla. It has been a long time.

*clap clap clap*

You are very talented as he leans on the wall

Oh My God !!! That voice , that cologne Nick is this really you??? How long have you been there

Yes its me and I've been here watching you play since you started playing but I guess you don't want to see me so I'll just leave

Wait!!! About that am so sorry. I treated you so badly, you were there when no one was there to take me home that day am so sorry. I just have some anger issues lately please I bat my eyelashes at him

Don't apologize to me beautiful a because you are and will always be forgiven okay? It's me that should apologize to you for acting like an idiot in front of your pretty beautiful face.

Thanks as my face flush red cause he called me beautiful but how come your here in this restaurant and your forgiven.

Well I work here as a waiter. I know the rich famous and cool Amber Zuellow should not be seen with a poor thing like me huh?

No don't talk like that, I stand up and move towards him. I don't care about the difference between us but I just want you to know that I care so much ever since we met.

Yes but what about Dylan,

Forget about him and why do you care so much!

Uhmmmm .... Nothing he scratches his head in embarrassment which causes me to let out a loud chuckle. Stop I don't know I just could not stand him so much around you.

OMG!! Is that the reason . Awww well thanks it makes me feel special

You should feel special you are worth it.

Thanks, so you have to promise me one thing ;Never tell anyone about this place and how you saw me playing the piano please not even Shayla.

Promise trust me

Thanks but I don't really trust people

Well am not people am Nick so you can trust me as he takes my hand in his and then we both sit down and all of a sudden he starts to play the keyboard the same way my dad played it.

This moment was so great I felt a connection grow. Then I joined him to play and then he gave me a sweet smile and I so returned it.

Right there I did not feel like going I just wanted to stay by His side Everyday. I could feel his passion and my passion in the air . I just want to stay by His side.

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