The Night (2)

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Nick's pov

I then pull away from the kiss in order for us to catch our breath. I can feel her gaze on me and I love that about her.

"So Amber,, I guess we are good now"

"We are getting there. I just have to ask you a question"

"Ok let me hear it please"

"Fine, about Shaylas death. Dylan said you killed her"

"What!!!! Hold on a second did you believe him?"

"Uhmm... I did not at first but when I saw you with that new girl I believed you killed Shayla. I'm really sorry"

"I just want you to believe me. I love you and I will never do anything to hurt you." I cup her face into my hands and place a soft kiss  on her forehead.

" I trust you but I'm really tired and I have to go home now"

"No!! Please don't its late and I don't want anything to happen to you. Let me take you to my house, I'll drive you there please!"

"I don't know about that, I mean what clothes will I wear and I don't wanna stress you"

"You can never stress me because I fell in love with you and I do not regret that so lets go"

"Ok I would love to see your house though"

"Sure" I walk her to my car and she looks surprised. Well I don't blame her because I said I was poor but the truth is that this is the real me and house  her to love me.

We arrive at the gates of my house and my eyes meets her beautiful black eyes looking at me too.

"Wait!!! This can't be your house!!! I mean you live here alone!!"

"Yes I do and this is my house, I really can't wait to have a family with you then my house will no longer be vacant"

"Did you say you want to grow a family with me?? "

"Uhmm yes I did. I really love  you and I would love to do that but it sounds like you don't?"

"It's not that but I don't know if I'm ready for that, all i know is that I love you and I don't want to move too fast"

"Oh ok I'm sorry though, take your time. Here we are!!! Welcome to my abode" I open the door of my house and its as pretty as it always

"It's pretty, I love it but how come you don't get bored living here alone, like where are your parents"

" I don't stay in my house all the time, I stay with Adam who keeps me company and as for my parents, I don't wanna talk about it now please! "

"Why, is there something wrong please tell me I could help"

I raise my voice at her "Its nothing OK!!!!!"

"I'm sorry I'm just concerned I'm really sorry"
I watch as a drop of tears roll down her face but I just hold myself besides I don't think I can tell her now. I completely ignore her tears and continue introducing her to my house.

"So let me take you round but first to your room "

"Oh that's fine I'm really exhausted for the day"

I take her upstairs and I feel her mood change each time I look at her and I know its because of I did not tell her the truth about my parents.

"Here you go this will be your room for today Hope its comfortable??"

"It's cute, its reminds me of my Shayla's room. I love that"

" Well I'm glad you do, so take a shower and feel at home I think you deserve some rest"

"Yes thank you"   I leave her room and take the stairs up to my room and then I fall to the bed and the only thing on my mind now is Amber!!!

I really love her and I want her to be mine forever. I just wish she understood. I stop thinking and start showering and when I was done, I dress up quickly in order to check how Amber is doing.

I place a soft knock on her door and there was no reply, I knock again but still no reply now I'm scared and I open her door and I see no sign of her anywhere. I begin to pace all about her room in search of her.

" Oh My God!!! What are you doing here!!! I clutch my towel so tightly that I'm so scared about this!!

"What!!! Amber I uhmm... Uhhh... I was looking all over for you, I did not know you were in the bathroom, I'm really sorry"  I try to get my eyes of her wet body that is exposed to me.

"It's alright, it is nice knowing you were concerned about me"

"Well yes but your extremely pretty" my face flushes red when I say this to her and her face also flushes pink.

"Ok thank you I love you too and I want to have you all to myself no matter what anyone says"

I want her so much right now that the only thing I could say Is

"I want you so badly right now, its embarrassing but it's the truth"

"You want me well, come get me I get me after all I love you too"

She gives me this sexy look and I definitely understand what  she's asking for.

"Well here goes something"

We start making love to each other all through out the night and it feels like a dream come true but still Dylan must be exposed for everything he put my babe into.

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