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Shayla's pov

Presently, I'm at my house just chilling. I really am tired because I've been busy but certainly not working like Amber but just some boy friend matter and most especially Dylan's evil act. After everything we have been through, I mean we knew this guy since we were like 5 years old. I never expected that from him anyway the did has been done already.

I better give Amber a call to tell her I'm coming to see her house today to break the news. I just think she should know about all this but I'm still not going to tell her about Dylan's issues because Nick said its not the right time to tell her and I agree with him but come to think of it who is really Nick? He told us that he was poor but is he? I mean am dating his best friend who is not poor at all although he works in a restaurant but he is so not poor.

His definitely lying to us, well till then the truth must surely come out one day. I just hate what these two idiots that call themselves boys are doing to my best friend, she's in pain now and every time I pick up my phone to call her my heart breaks but I just got to summon up courage to do that now afterall its for our own good.

I then dial Ambers number and it rings but she did not pick, I know she is still suffering from all these problems but she just has to pick this call. I then dial her number for the second time hoping she would pick up but again she didn't.

"This girl better picks all else I would disown her as my best friend". I dial her number for the last time and luckily for me she picks it....:

" hello Amber "

"Hey Shayla what's up"

"Nothing only sad about what Nick told me happened between you to, I mean that picnic was meant to be a night to remember , I'm really sorry dear"

"Firstly don't mention that name Nick here , secondly I can't believe your now listening to everything Nick says and thirdly I hate Nick and will forever do"

"Don't be like that Amber, you know you want Nick besides there's something I have got to tell you and I certainly can't say it to you through the phone, I'll be coming to your house okay"

"Really well I guess you wanna come talk to me about Nick and I don't want to hear it, seriously I thought you are my friend but you are clearly in love with Nick so you can have him"

"What the !!!!! How could you talk like that I thought you knew I'm dating his best friend already, Amber what has come over you I just can't believe this. Well you know what I wanted come to your house to tell you something but I understand you are confused so I'll leave you but just know you'll regret it".

" okay then fine , if its Nick then okay. You chose Nick against Me well Bye!!! Forever"

Amber Amber !!! I can't , what! She just hung up on me. We literally just ended our friendship on the phone well if that is how she wants it then Damn her!!!!! Right now am Really angry and now I hate that girl. Who the hell does she think she is???

Immediately, a car which looks like Dylan's car parks in my compound and my mind races because I know he has come to tell me something bad . but I've got this .

*knock knock*

Come in

"Oh hello Shayla I can see your already expecting me Shayla, well I guess you've seen my car pack right"

"Shut up Dylan !!! Stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase!!!."

"Hahhahahahah I guess your now aware of my plan right but not anymore because I tapped into your calls and I heard how Amber snubbed you completely. Well I am happy because you will never tell her."

" You beast!!! Get out of my house now before I call the cops, "

"Oh please shut up!!! You are a fool to think I really cared about Amber, I need her money and that's all. My plan since childhood was to get Amber to love me and it turns out she does but now you know this and you will tell her."

"You bet I will tell her you monster" I then pick up my phone and then just when I was about to dial her number I heard a loud *boooooooommmmm*

I looked down and I saw a bullet had entered into my stomach and I fall to the ground and the last thing I hear Dylan say is

" bye bye you bitch......."

Finally I close my eyes as I feel myself dying little by little.

"Now your gone forever Shayla"...........

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