She died Again

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This is the second day now and I'm still Dylan's hostage my sweat drips which is also missed with blood , you can imagine how bad I am right now, I don't know what to think about right now all I know is that I want to get out of here. It's so fast how everything happened to me , I just don't believe Dylan was behind all this besides he has been monitoring Nick since yesterday.

"Amber dear!! Guess what? Said Dylan with a fake smile

" I am sick and tired of you so I'm not guessing "

"Ok then Missy! Nicholas is on his way here and surprisingly he obeyed all my rules, so lets see ,today we shall witness the death of both Nick and Amber"

"It won't work! Besides I know Nick , he would not come"
He lets out a small laugh which I know he's mocking me with

"Well if you don't believe me see for yourself" He turns his attention to a screen and then I see him.. I... I see Nicholas Driving his car, I mean he is really coming for me but he's going to die too. I can see the look on Nick's face and its probably a sad one and that makes me cry even more.

" so princess are you now convinced about your death with Nick

I remain speechless because for me and my darling Nick, its over.

"So cute!! You have nothing to say , well hope you will have one before you die.


*phone ringing* I'm so anxious to see Dylan pick the call.

" oh hello Nick; i am proud of you , you obeyed my rules to the fullest "

"Shut up, now tell me how to get in I'm in front of the door with your money so let me in you bitch"

"Ok, I'll send Trish to you in a second, and I'm not a bitch. You know I'm still with Amber so watch your tongue"

When they had ended their phone call I was curious to know what is gonna happen next, is this going to be the end of our just began relationship.? This questions keep pondering in and out of my head.

In two to three minutes time Tris comes in with Nicholas and I can feel his gaze right on me. He runs towards me to embrace me but then Dylan comes in between both.

"Not so fast Nicky"

"Let me see her now! afterall I paid every dime you asked for"

"Oh you did but I've changed the rule of this game"

"What do you mean by that" Right now am so scared, I don't know what's going to happen all I know is that the look on Nick's face is so innocent but still bloody.

"Well Nick look behind you"

When Nick turns back he sees Tris pointing a gun at his head. Right now I'm more scared than ever.

"What is this supposed to mean?

" Nick , it means the deal is off and you and Amber are going to die just Shayla did "

Immediately I cut him short hearing Shayla's name involved.

"Wh...what do you mean by Shayla did??" I shiver while saying this because my life is at stake and all eyes are on me.

"I mean I killed Shayla!! She knew about my plan but I knew she wouldn't keep quiet. That day when she called you about coming too see you about something, I knew she was talking about me so I killed her that day and so it all looked like it was because of you she died then I brainwashed you to thinking it was Nick who killed her like seriously your so easy to push around. When you saw Nick with that girl it was all part of my plan and you fell for it. At this junction I'm a winner I have all your possession and Nick's own once I kill you both"

"Nooooooo!!!!" I let out a loud cry and I feel Nick's temper growing weaker each time he looks at me

"Dylan, I knew your plan all these while and I'm telling you you failed " said Nick

"Really how if I may ask"

"Number one, Shayla is not dead "

"What do you mean, I killed her right on the spot and I saw the bullet pass through her"

"I'm not dead Dylan I'm right here" said a little voice.

"What!!!! , I mean how!!!!!! Why! I killed you!"

"No you did not , Nick saved me he knew your plans more than I did so I wore a bullet proof which saved me from all your bullets and by the way the blood was fucking fake! Thanks to Nicholas. And my boyfriend Adam."

"Nooooo nnoooo nooooo!!!! It can't be how did you get here I monitored his every move"

"Really cause you did not monitor him taking a shower "

"What the Fuck!! Anyways you, Nick , Amber and Of course Adam are going to die here and now."

The drama now is so intense and I'm at shock because Shayla did not die, she's alive.

"Shayla!!! I'm so happy your alive its all like a dream come true"

" I know I missed you too, I went hiding but now I'm free."

"Cute speech!! But it's over now" Everyone's face is so bloody I do not know what is going to be the end result of all this .

"Well Dylan look behind you too you are as dead as I am"
Then we see Adam, pointing a gun at Dylan and Shayla pointing a gun at Tris. The battle field is now cold .

Suddenly I see Shayla pull the trigger and it kills Tris .

"Nooooo you killed Tris well its time for Amber to go too. Them Adam pulls the trigger and it lands on Dylan's head and he falls to the cold hard floor, everyone is now safe. Soon Shayla rushes towards me and then she unties me and we both hug each other warmly.


" See you in hell guys" said Dylan as he stops breathing and finally dies.

"Nooooo I see Shayla fall right in front of me, her heart has stopped t beating! She's dead for real this time" Tears form in my eye and roll down my cheeks. The battle was not won at all. As for me Dylan and Tris and Shayla are now out of my life sadly!! It's all terrible cause I just had my last hug with her before she saved my life from the beast Dylan. Once again she died !

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