Forever Yours

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Well I don't know what to say precisely. But my life has just been a roller coaster ride. You know its been 4 days since the Dylan drama ended. I'm speechless because it changed my life forever. I think this whole Dylan drama was a positive death but also a negative one due to the death of my sister, my best friend In the world Shayla may her soul rest in peace!

I'm still mourning her, its not easy living without her. Tears form in my but What can I do she's gone forever. My only hope of living is my darling Nick, I don't know what could have happened to me if Nick wasn't in my life. He saved me from the hands of the guy I thought was my friend. Well its a pity his not.

While I was thinking outside, someone places he's hand on my eyes and obviously it's Nick.


"Hi sweetheart"

"So what are you thinking about"

"I'm thinking about how you came into my life and it all changed forever, how Dylan was evil and I did not know it "

"Oh yea but just know I will always be there with you all my life so just forget about him"

"I love you so much"

"Me too, and I have a confession to make its about my parents"

"Ok I'm listening but I remember you saying you don't wanna talk about it ,why now?"

"Well I love you and I don't wanna hide anything from you besides you told me about your family so its my turn. My father is the famous Bill Pete and my mum is Ella Pete but my parents always wanted to put me in the orphanage home because at that time they had no money to care for me. I was hated by everyone then cause t I was a responsibility to them. It was terrible but as time went on my father became rich and then it all changed, he became worse he brought in different women into the house and slept with them and I and my mum stayed at the boys quarter of my father's mansion. !y mum struggled to raise me up and here I am today rich and in charge of all my father's wealth".

" Woah! I'm speechless. So sorry "

"Don't be when I met you that Saturday morning was the best day of my life and I don't regret hitting you on purpose"

"Really!! I wanted to kill on the spot but I guess I fell in love e with you also"

"I'm glad you do but prove it to me"

"How? We have made love several times if you still want to its fine its fine"

"No not that this time". I watch as he pulls out a diamond box from his pocket and I hope is what i think it is.

He falls on his knees and the words come down of his mouth

" I know, I might not be worthy of asking the famous Amber Zuellow this question but all I know is I'm in love with you and all the stress and all the problems that our love has gone through has been a ride I'll never forget. There is something I've learnt from you and its true love exist even when the one who you called friend hated you, it was still real. Please would you Amber ZuellowM.. Marry me?"

I blush at this moment but it's a dream! Come true. I feel tears of joy roll down my cheeks as I open up my mouth to speak.

"I've also learnt a lot from you, when you came into my life was the best time and moment. You completed the puzzle piece in my life. You are what I thought I could never get but look at me now finding my forever yours at last. In all my life with you was the best no !matter the death of the ones I love nor the parents we both had but the love we shared. I'm saying a big YES!!!!!"

He places the ring on my finger and its so pretty I wish Shayla was here to see it but I know somehow she's seeing me. He picks me up and spins around because he's my husband now.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too "

The wind is so cool as we both sit down and then we both share an adorable and passionate kiss.

"So you are my forever yours right"

"Till death baby"

This is it , I'm so happy the moment of truth. Well I've learnt alot and it all starts with not trusting anyone fully but just know to pick a friend open your heart to do so and you will find your forever your just like I did.

Authors Note

Well guys this is the end of my beautiful journey to forever yours. It's been a great time writing this story and I just don't feel like ending it.*blows nose, has been crying * uhmm but I have to end it. I never knew my first story would be as great as this.

I just wanna thank three special people who were there for me all through this book. They are outstanding.
Firstly @voltage -writer. She's an amazing Bff, I love you so much and you were to encourage me when no one else was. I love yah girl.
Secondly @Hoser05 . this is another sweet and gorgeous friend of mine who always encouraged me and commented everytime. Shouut out to yah
Thirdly @perplexed panda . Thank you for your funny comments I love reading them, keep doing it.

So this people are awesome and you guys should keep doing it in my next story. It's called ARROGANT LOVE. It's a BMP ( Joshua's story)

So guys once again thank you all for your support because I was going to delete this story at first but voltage-writer was there for me . I love you all, thank you also don't abandon my new story plssssssssss. Thanks guys!!

Thank you

~ Debbiecharm

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