The Night!!!!!

19 5 13

It's another sad morning for me and as usual I'm on my bed crying my heart out. I just can't stop crying I obviously think I'm going to die and that's what I want right now.
"I just don't know why everything is happening to me right now. I need to just chill off but how or where, my best friend is dead and the man I love is leaving a fake life and lying to me. Even Dylan is not picking my calls"

I place my head on my lap and start crying. I just start got the worst feeling in my head right now and it is headache, I've been crying so much I could just die. I sit up on my bed and just flashback to those days when my father was alive, we used to go to walk alongside each other everyday and we both used to go play the piano in the Chinese restaurant every time our wicked aunt did something bad to us. It was like we played away our sorrows.

"That's it!!!!!! I've got it, I need to go play the piano again. It always works for dad so it must work for me too. I just have to be brave I know Nick might be there but I know the truth about him he isn't poor so he is not working there".

Immediately I pick up my black shirt which had a black shirt with a white collar and a red short skirt. Then I put on a black snickers and wipe my tears hoping that the piano can wipe away my tears. I then entered my car and drove straight to my regular Chinese restaurant. I guess I have an addiction.

When I got there, I went straight to my piano room but before I did that I went to order some food which I ate and rushed straight to the piano. I entered the room and then I flick on the light and stared so sweetly at the piano because it brought back sweet memories of my dad and I , Nick and I. I take a deep breath and started playing the piano. I played it so solemnly that Nick was the one who kept appearing in my head but each time that happened I forced the thought out of my head and started thinking of my dad.

I played for so long, I did not realize that time had gone , my hands were so in love with the black keys on the piano it just did not want to end. You can't blame me so this is how I wanna live my life although anything I do as a star the whole world has to know, I guess playing piano is my secret star life.

"Sup beautiful am glad I met you here!"

I then turn my gaze to the handsome figure leaning on the wall and its Nick the one person I prayed not to bump into.

"What the Fuck do you want from me, I thought I made it clear I never want to see you again"

"Really your still angry?"

"What kind of question is that? How do you explain lying to me not once but several times"

"I'm sorry for all that please, that time at the picnic was a special time to me and I did not want my black eye to ruin it"

"Oh really! Well how do you explain being the son of the famous billionaire Bill Pete????"

"What!!!! Who told you, I mean how did you find out??"

"You never wanted me to know right? Well I now do, you lied to me all my life, I bumped into you as a poor Nick but the truth is your rich. I can't believe I was deceived by you Nick In fact I never want to see or speak to you ever again"

I walk out of the room were we are but then I was pulled back by his grip and then he spins me to face him. Tears flow down my eyes as I am standing and facing him. I pull away from his grip and back him.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I told you I was poor because I knew you will have compassion on a poor guy like me."

"Well I trusted you Nick, what made you think I would not have compassion on the rich Nick. I love who I love and hate who I hate".

" I'm very truly sorry. I was an idiot to lie to you. I mean I really am in lo...... I am ..... In love with you".

"How in the world do you want me to believe that you love me when you lied to m when I saw you with another girl face to face. Like seriously how am to believe you don't want to use me and dump me! Well Dylan told me everything about you and your plans towards me"

"Can we just forget Dylan now please ! I really am in love with you that's the main reason I bumped into you that Saturday. I was carried away by your beauty and so I trully love you and I know you do too"

"What!!!! I don't love you at all Nick I just don't want to talk about loving you cause I don't"

"That's a lie Amber you know you love me, its in your voice , your face and expression. I know you love me just admit it please and forget about Everything just let me explain"

"You wanna explain, tell me what's there to explain!!! Shayla is dead because of you, you did not even care a single bit instead you went out with another girl. Isn't that enough for me to hate you"

"Yeah it is but I'm sorry. I did nt mean any of this please"

I then walk towards a chair and a table and then immediately I exposed my tears to him and then he rushed and sat opposite me. He looked at me and i saw a drop of tears roll out of his eyes. It was hard for the both of us.

"That's it!!!! Amber you know you want me and also I can't bare to see you cry so just stop please. I'll do anything but you must stop crying"

"Well if you want to make me stop crying stay away from me and never come back because I dont love you!!"

"I'll go but before I do I want to ask you a question and I want the truth. Look me eye to eye and tell me you don't love me"

When these words come out from his mouth, I feel my heart breaking but I just can't be with him. I have to do what's right.

"I..... I.... Do.. I don't love you am sorry"

"Don't be sorry. I guess it is all over now. Good bye beautiful"

Just as he was about to stand up. I place my hand on top of his and pull him down then I placed a soft but passionate kiss on his lips. I pull away from him to catch my breath.

"I love you"

"Me too" He then kisses me back in a strong but sweet way.

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