Picnic Day (2)

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Nick's   pov

"I am so sorry I did not mean to do that"

"I know that's what you wanted. And you will end up saying sorry" I just hissed and looked away.

"Both of you that's enough and Nick you have a black eye? You told me its just cause of the weather you are wearing shades. You lied to me."

"I am so sorry, I just did not want you to know so you would not treat me differently" I looked into her eyes for the first time today.

"Really that's why your angry at Dylan for that well it was an accident but it seemed like Dylan knew about your black eye"

" what ...  I uh...uhmm have no idea how he got that black eye it was  all an accident "

" yes Dylan's right. He does not know how I got this black eye at allllll." I gave Dylan a bad look which he understood. It meant that u could tell Amber what really happened then he gave me back an I don't care look meaning that Amber would not believe me.

"So do you mind telling us how you got that black eye? I really really care"

" what its nothing , I uhmm uhh.... My cat did this"

"Really your cat did this, do you think am stupid? Come on tell me the truth?"

"Uhmm lemon juice spilled into my eyes that's what happened"

"Amber love why do you care, his obviously lieing  to you, just forget him "

"Nick why are you doing this to me, and Dylan I really care about his black eye so just keep shut while he really tells me the truth"

"Amber I can't tell... Uhmm I can't tell you I just don't know if I can do this anymore I'm so sorry."

" Really first you invite me for this picnic, second you lie to me not just once but thrice and third you completely ignore me. Tell me what wrong did I do. You think I don't have anything important to do. I guess you think am a joke. Well thanks Nick you've really helped me in no way!!!! I'm leaving and I guess you can keep your black eye to your self , I can't believe I.... Just ..... Don't come near me ever and I mean it.

"Wait please Amber its not like that, I .... uhmm, Dylan uhh. Please just wait!!!! I'm sorry". I watch as my most treasured walks out of me and hates me permanently.
" this is all your   fault you bitch, I hate you ."

"Hahahahah  now she hates you and I have a clear chance with her, your just a joke now in her sight. Admit it I won and I will continue to win."

"Shut your trap !!!! You caused all these and I will expose you just one day"

"Ooooooh I'm so scared, you've lost completely well when I'm done with you you would be begging me, by the way I don't love Amber I just want something else from her and I must get it. She's like  a pupet easily controlled.

" that's it I've had it with you!!! Immediately, I raise my hands to punch his face but something holds me back and its Adams hand. He was right on time but this time he wasn't alone he was with Shayla.

"Dylan I can't believe this your a monster, so all this time you were playing my best  friend. How could you??? I must tell her, I just can't believe this?

" Finally someone believes me and its her best friend. Your so lucky Dylan because if they were not here I would have scattered your teeth." 

"Oh really well now you know about it Shayla but I bet you it won't last long in your head.I've warned you

After that Adam,Shayla and I are inside Adams car talking about this whole Dylan matter, I told Shayla about the fight we had at the club yesterday.

"Shayla please talk to her please I'm sorry I did not want to hurt her please"

"I will try but you know Amber could be very stubborn at times but I will talk to her after all I don't want her to be with that jerk called Dylan. I mean how could he? After so many years.

" I know right his such a beast. By the way Shayla don't tell Amber about what Dylan said tonight about her its going to reck her heart completely besides that Dylan guy might be after our lives. We should be extra careful.

"I agree with you Nick said Adam"

"Okay I won't tell Amber but she's my best friend. Anyway it's for her own good." So you and my boyfriend are best friends that's cute!!

"Well thanks its a coincidence we met .
We all start to laugh in order to forget about that beast but all together my heart still beats and longs for Amber.

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