Chapter 8: Misery Meadow and Crushes

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I let go of Party's hand and nod my head. We both silently enter the diner.

"Everything ok you two?" Ghoul asks, one eyebrow raised.

I look at Party before turning my head back to Ghoul and nodding.

He looks surprised.

"Good!" He exclaims

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask as I sit down next to Ghoul at one of the booths. Party slides in next to me.

"Again with the we? You aren't going anywhere Crash" Jet sighs

"I'm fine, trust me. I just wanna go out and fight!" I whine

Party places his hand on my own and my stomach does nervous flips.

"Angel, we want to keep you safe" Party says in a serious tone

"Angel?!" Ghoul gawks, voicing everyone else's thoughts. Even my own. NO ONE calls me by my last name.

"Hey it's still her name" Party murmurs in defense, making a face I've seen many times. A face of annoyance yet toleration.

"What eeeeeever you say buddy!" Ghoul chuckles and Party shoots daggers at him with his eyes. Ghoul however, is unfazed.

"Well is anyone going to tell me what's going on tomorrow?" I sigh

"We're planning for our mission into Battery City again next week for a few days" Kobra mumbles.

"WHAT?!" I shout

"KOBRA!!!" The other boys shout in unison

"Shhh! Ellie!" Kobra reminds us. So we whisper-shout instead.

"You guys are NOT going back so soon! And without me!" I whisper-shout

"Crash now is not the time for arguing!" Jet retorts

"Well Kobra sure as hell better not be going! I'm in better shape than he is!" I reply

"True" Party murmurs and the others shush him

"I can take Kobra's place! Please!!! I need to get out!" I protest

"No Crash. You will not take my place" Kobra says strongly

"And you will not risk your life again!" I whisper-shout

"I'll tell you what, An- uh Crash, I'll take you out of the diner to get out sometime as long as you don't come with us." Party offers

I sigh unhappily

"Come on Crash. You owe me" Kobra smirks and I punch his arm lightly

"Fine. For the Kid." I sigh

"Good" Ghoul smiles

"So where do you wanna go?" Party asks curiously

"I have somewhere in mind" I smirk and sit back


Today is two days till the boys leave for their mission.

It's also the day Party is taking me out of the diner.

I'm nervous as hell and I can barely breathe but I wanna do this.

After eating and brushing my teeth, I slip on my all black clothing and tie my black hair in a bun.

"Ready?" Party asks

"Yup. As long as I drive" I reply nervously

"That was not part of the agreement" Party says as we walk side-by-side to the car.

Fire Fight {Party Poison/Danger Days}Where stories live. Discover now