Chapter 18: Memory Pt II

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P a r t y P o i s o n ' s P. O. V.

"NO PARTY!!" I heard Kobra scream.

What was his deal? I pulled the trigger.

"Poison" the Girl in Black gasped, as her hand flew to where I had shot her

Wait a minute.

There was only one person in the entire world who called me Poison.


"Crash..." I whispered, astounded.

She collapsed onto the ground.

I rushed over to her and threw her mask off.

Oh my god.

It was her.

I had just shot the love of my life. And now there was nothing I could do about it.

My hands shook and my voice didn't come to me. I desperately tried to scream for help or try to make any noise at all but I was too shocked. The boys took care of the last few B.L.I soldiers and rushed over.

"Hoooollllyyyyy shit!" Jet exclaimed

"Jeezus..." Ghoul mutters, astonished

"Please. Help" I whisper, staring at my shaking hand that were too afraid to touch hers.

"Let's go. Now." Kobra says strictly, and boys whisk her away.

"What did I do?" I mumble

"You shot the girl you love in the stomach" Kobra replies

"Fuck" I mutter

"Let's go inside, you need sleep. We all do" Kobra says and we enter the diner

"Where's-" I start to ask but Kobra pushes me along, not stopping until he reaches my bedroom.

"Get some sleep Party. Ghoul will watch over you. We'll wake you up if something happens" He says and quickly exits, Ghoul taking his place.

I sigh and close my eyes, to my surprise, I immediately fall asleep.

C r a s h A n g e l ' s P. O. V.

A coma. I was in a coma. I heard Kobra say it himself. And Kobra doesn't lie. And then he did something kinda funny. He told me he'd fix me, even if it took his entire life. Then he kissed me and left. Nothing passionate or too special. Just a kiss and he was gone.

K o b r a K i d ' s P. O. V.

I was going to fix this. Party fucked up really bad, I don't think he even knows how bad it is. He was so oblivious and caught up in his own feeling sometimes to notice what was happening to others that was more important. Always been that way. Crash deserved someone better. And I'm not saying me. Someone better than all of us. I just wish I could send her somewhere safe, but I don't think such a place exists anymore.

She was in a coma, she would be for the next two days. The third day is when things got interesting.


Now I sleep in Crashes room every night, just to make sure she's okay. Party is in here all day, and he used to spend the night in here too but now at night I send him to bed.

I send him to bed in his own room to protect him. After his reaction to the third night, I don't think he could go through it again.

On the third night of Crashs' coma came the nightmares.

Party was sleeping with Crash and I was on the couch in the living room.

I heard muttering and immediately sprung up, thinking Crash was awake. She wasn't.

"Babe. Babe what's wrong? Angel? Angel open your eyes! Angel!" I heard Party yell, I immediately rushed in, just in time to see Party jump up and out of the bed as Crash starts screaming.

"Oh my god what's going on?!" I sputtered

"She's having a nightmare! Oh my god Crash, Crash Angel please wake up! Please come back to me! Please!" Party yelled as I shoved him out of the room. The other boys held him back as he tried to renter the room. That's all the boys know happened. But inside the room was a whole different story.

Crash had started to scratch her arms. She would scratch so hard that her arms would bleed and on this night, things were worse. The blood started flowing and I quickly bandaged her up. I tried not to look but this time I saw them. Bloody, thin lines ran up and down along her arms.

I cringed and bandaged her up. She stopped screaming and we all went to bed.

We haven't had anymore nightmares since then but I don't risk it, I stay the night, no one else.


P a r t y P o i s o n ' s P. O. V.

I stayed with her every single day. Even if I didn't love her (which I most definitely undeniably do) I would stay with her anyways. How could I do this to her? The guilt was eating away at me.

The effects of Crash's coma were immediate. I stopped talking to people. I barely ate. Kobra wouldn't let me Crash's room so I didn't sleep either. If I talked it was only to Crash or myself. I wasn't living. I was surviving. It was all I could do until I knew Crash was going to be alright. The boys tried to stay positive, for me and for themselves. But as the days dragged on, we started to become anxious. We were all jumpy, irritable, and miserable.

I pray to non-existent God that she wakes up, for all our sakes.


C r a s h A n g e l ' s P. O. V.

I could hear them. And I wanted so badly to go to them, but I was holding myself back. I started to try everything. From screaming and kicking and crying to trying to con myself to wake up, nothing worked. At this point I was beyond desperate.

I was dying.

I felt it in my body, in my heart, in my soul. I was dying. I was so weak, unable, hopeless.

P a r t y P o i s o n ' s P. O. V.

The boys told me that it had to be soon. She had to wake up within the next three days or she would be gone. So I went to her room and just talked. I told her everything and finally, I told her she had three days left. I begged her to wake up.

Two nights later and I was almost in hysterics, this was it. She'd be gone by sunrise. But then I heard coughing. So did the other boys, we all sprung up and rushed to her room.

And there sat Crash, coughing and sputtering, gasping for air.

"Water!" Jet shouted and Ghoul ran off to get some. Kobra fed it to her and when she was done she finally spoke. It was amazing to hear her voice after so long.

What she said however, not so amazing.

"Who are you?"

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