Chapter 14: The Bar and Kissing

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Soon enough me, the boys, and Lavender Lazer head out to the bar. Misty and Ellie both can't drink or drive so they stay at home. Jet takes one for the team and agrees to be our driver, so he doesn't drink.

When we arrive, immediately Lavender and Ghoul disappear (along with a large vast of alcohol) and the girl (and boy) Killjoys are all over the Fab Four. I go to the bar and order a strong drink. I lean back and take it all in. I was kind of known for drinking but not getting drunk so I didn't worry much about crazy, drunk, giggly behavior. I'm quickly onto my second round.

Soon enough Party approaches me and he's most definitely drunk.

"Hey Angel. Do you want to kiss me?" He slurs. I chuckle.

"Not particularly" I smirk

He frowns and leans on me

"Go find another girl to kiss. I'm sure they'd all be pleased" I roll my eyes, smiling at his smashed state.

"Okay. Love you" He says, kissing me on the cheek quickly before disappearing into the crowd.

I down the rest of my drink.

"Love you too" I mutter before heading upstairs for some fresh air.

I walk the spiral staircase up and sit down in the dust. I look up to see the starts. God I loved the stars, they were my favorite thing. Once BLI took over, they didn't let you see the stars, the sky went from gray to black and back again in a lifeless, mechanic cycle. No moon or stars or plants or constellations. That's when I knew I couldn't stay. So I appreciated the stars as I looked up at them, happy to see a familiar face.

Suddenly someone plops down beside me. I roll my eyes and look over to see a very drunk Fun Ghoul.

"Hey buddy" I chuckle

"I fukin luv the strs" Ghoul slurs

"Me too. Where's Lavander?" I ask


"So what brings you out here?" I wonder playfully

"TH STRS!!" He exclaims, gesturing to the heavens and falling onto his back.

"I didn't know you loved the starts so much" I smile, laying down beside him

"Dont yu?"

"Of course. More than anyone" I add in a whisper

"More thn us? We luv the strs, we study em n pents em in prety pentins" He smiles

"Really? And who's 'we'?" I ask

Ghoul just giggles and hiccups.

"Alright time to bring you back to Jet" I say, helping him up.

I help him walk down the stairs and over to Jet.

"Damn he's pretty wasted" Jet giggles

"Your telling me. He just got done telling my about the stars" I laugh.

"That'll do it" He chuckles, taking Ghoul from me and setting him down on the couch.

"WHERES- oh haha! Found him!" Lavender giggles drunkenly as she sees Ghoul on the couch. She snuggles against him and they start kissing.

"I think that's our cue to scram" I whisper to Jet

"Agreed" He smiles

"Drinks. On me" I smile, grabbing his hand, leading him to the bar to sit.

"Now you can't go getting all drunk on me! And aren't I driving?" He asks skeptically

"One drink never killed anybody" I smile

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