Chapter 12: Diamond Dejavu and Jailbreaking

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Diamond Killer and I had been a thing for a long time and I really did love her. I loved her mischievous smile and her long turquoise hair, her rare purple eyes captivated me and every other killjoy out there. And only I got to call her mine.

We were messing around, trying to get to a drac base and take them out. We weren't worried at all, we were invincible. Diamond was positive she knew a faster, better alternative route. So she challenged me to see who would get there first. She smirked a daring smirk at me. I said fine and rolled my eyes giving her one last kiss before her and Lavander went off, running in a different direction.

"Love you!" I had shouted after her.

She turned around, running backwards, blowing me a kiss and winking. She laughed and turned around again, grabbing Lavenders hand and they ran in a different direction.

Well she had been right.

The path she had taken had been quicker.

When we got there, there were dead dracs everywhere and Diamond and Lavender were struggling to fight the rest off.

I saw Diamond get hit and her body crumpled limply on to the ground. I screamed as she and Lavender were dragged into a drac van before anyone of us could react. Korse smiled evilly and drove away as I shot at the car.

Over and over and over again.

Ring a bell? For me it did and and when I knew Crash was being taken away I just couldn't believe it was happening a second time.

But when Lavender came back without Diamond a few nights later I lost my hope. She was dead. Even though Lavender Lazer insisted she wasn't. When Lazer broke out she tried to break Diamond out too but when she got to her room it was open and empty. To Lazer, this meant she got out. To me, it meant she had already been killed.

"So Party you on board?" Jets voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Uh I...I...." I trailed off. I hadn't been listening, lost in my own memories of the past.

"Wasn't listening? I know." He sighs

"Sorry" I murmur

"Alrighty, I guess we're set then" Kobra says, followed by an awkward silence.

"I'm going to sleep" I sigh, getting up.

"Party, it's like.....noon" Ghoul says, narrowing his eyes in confusion.

"I didn't sleep very well last night. And we have to get up early anyways" I shrug, walking away.

"Uh.... Okay. Night I guess" Kobra says and I put my hand up in a goodbye as I walk to a room and crash on the bed.


C r a s h A n g e l s P. O. V

*Two Days Earlier*

When I woke up I was in that classic, white BLI room with a really fucking bloody abdomen. I swear loudly as I get up and a sharp pain goes through my body. I walk around the perimeter of the room slowly. It's pretty high security and it'll be tough to get out of but I don't really have a choice seeing as the others probably don't know I'm here and who knows where the real Dr. Death is. There are cabinets all around the room and I open them all, only to find a bottle of pills. I take the bottle in my hands and inspect the label. I recognize the bottle and label. Hands shaking, I almost drop it. I hear snickering behind me and whip around to face Korse.

"Recognize it?" He smirks

"Might ring a bell" I say back calmly

"Hmmm.... Let me help jog your memory! It's the pills you weren't strong enough to take to kill yourself! You took the easy way out instead, cutting your measley wrists and laying there pathetically, just waiting to die" Korse rolled his eyes

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