It's Her

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"Lucille girl put that phone down", Nanna Sarah whispered to her grand daughter.

Lucille dropped her phone into her purse. "Sorry Nanna."

Lucille had been sneaking peeks at her phone the entire church service. Poll projections should be up soon and she needed to know that her plan was effective.

It did seem it though. Oliver received a standing ovation at the convention when his wife, Anne Katherine, walked out with their son and joined him center stage. Lucille thought they were such a beautiful family. They had that all-American picture perfect family thing going on. Perception.

The church service was almost over. People were now going up for prayers. Lucille said a quick prayer to herself for Aaron.

"When's the last time you talked to your momma?", Nanna asked as they walked through the church parking lot.

Lucille sighed. Her mother was a very touchy subject for her. Well to be honest, Tracy was never really a mother to her.

"I'm not sure. Why do you ask?"

Nanna shook her head, gesturing to change the subject. "When is Aaron gonna be back?"

"I'm not sure", Lucille answered sadly. "But I miss him."

* * *

Oliver strolled down the hallway with his head held high; poll projections were up by 19 percent.

He walked into the conference room where he was greeted by everyone as they stood.

"Good morning", he responded, motioning for them to take their seats. "What's on the agenda for this morning guys?"

Rebecca passed him a file.

"The first thing we should talk about is poll projections", Rebecca stated. "Your numbers shot up this weekend."

Oliver nodded and smiled while studying the file. All staff members started clapping.

"This is a big step towards the right direction and I think we all know the young woman who's to thank for that."

Jancy nodded her head smiling. His eyes scanned around the table of the conference room.

"Where is Lucille?"

The smile immediately fell from Jancy's lips.

"Well moving on to the next thing on our agenda", Rebecca interjected.

* * *

Lucille typed away on the post she was working on for blogspot.

"This is ridiculous", she stated. "We should be in there."

She went on.

"We write the speech that made his poll projections go up and we're just kicked out of the 'inner circle'?", she questioned.

Lexi nodded her head in agreement. "They will need you again. Just wait for it."

Lucille shrugged.

"But as of now, I need you", Lexi stated. "For this new ad I want to create I need a photo of Mr. Reed."

"Okay, why do you need me?", Lucille asked, still looking at her computer screen.

"Well I don't want it to be a regular photo, I want it to be a selfie."

Lucille giggled. "So get him to take a selfie."

Lexi sighed. "Can you do it for me? Please?"

Lucille turned to face her. Before she could say anything Lexi spoke again.

Political Relations (Book I of the BWWM Political Series)Where stories live. Discover now